The group chuckled and Leah said, “I’ve claimed my reward but what about Rachel?”
“I’ll indulge in two desserts tonight,” she said airily, causing everyone to laugh more.
As they started to break up, Evan stepped toward her. “I’ve heard from Cor that you finished your plans for my gardens. Would you care to show them to me now? In the library?”
“Of course, my lord. Let me fetch them from my room.”
As she left, she saw Merrifield lurking nearby. He must have heard what they arranged. Sure enough, she arrived in the library with her drawings and found the earl there, along with two of his friends, having a drink.
“I hope we won’t disturb you,” he called out.
“Not at all,” she replied evenly.
She sat at a table and waited. Evan arrived a few minutes later, not raising an eyebrow. He seated himself.
“I see we have company,” he said lightly. “Chaperones?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Rachel began spreading out the sheets she’d brought. “Look first. Then I’ll walk you through what I’ve come up with.”
He studied each drawing and asked a few questions then asked her to lead him through her plans. She explained the overall feel and then discussed the various places she wanted special groupings of seats or flowers. He offered some suggestions regarding a fountain she’d sketched and agreed with the alterations. Quickly, she redrew it on the back side of the page and saw his satisfied smile.
Then he took the page with the gazebo in hand. She’d drawn it as they’d discussed, with six wide openings that she’d designed in the manner of Roman arches. As requested, she’d left the area surrounding the actual gazebo open, with no fencing.
Evan grinned. “This is exactly what I envisioned when we spoke of it.” His gaze regarded her warmly. “You’re quite talented, Lady Rachel. In many regards.”
“Thank you.”
She looked down and began gathering the pages into one stack, hoping the blush would die down. It wouldn’t do for the others, especially Merrifield, to see it. Rachel tapped the pages on the table and handed the stack to Evan.
“You’ll have to let me know what your chief gardener thinks of these. I can answer any questions he might have.”
“I think it’s self-explanatory. I also want to give him a free hand to change anything he wishes. Except for the gazebo. I will find carpenters to build it to your exact specifications.” He paused. “I hope you will come to visit when it’s completed.”
“I would like that, my lord.”
Rachel rose and Evan followed suit.
“I will see you at dinner, Lady Rachel,” he said formally.
All she could think of was midnight–when the marquess dropped all pretension as he kissed the life out of her.
Rachel unpinned herhair and let it spill about her shoulders and down her back. She picked up her brush and pulled it through the dark curls. Leah had gone to bed minutes ago. Rachel bided her time, running the brush through her hair. She wasn’t going to braid it. Tonight, it would be free. She hoped Evan would run his fingers through it.
Setting the brush aside, she rose. Already, Leah had fallen asleep. She envied her friend for having the ability to rest her head on a pillow and immediately tumble into a deep slumber. Rachel had never been able to do that. She pulled the dressing gown around her night rail and, once again, tied it to the side of her waist before leaving the bedchamber.
Alford had taken Leah and her on a tour of Fairfield’s rooms the first day they arrived. It was the only time she’d been to the upper floor but Rachel remembered the schoolroom’s location. Gripping the rail, she cautiously ascended the stairs. When she reached the top, she paused. Not having a candle, she was stepping into darkness. Rachel took a deep breath and placed her hand on the wall, gingerly placing one foot in front of the other as she ran her hand along for support. She hadn’t thought about bringing a candle. If she had, it would stand out like a beacon. They couldn’t afford having that kind of attention called to their midnight session.
Slowly, she made her way down the corridor, her heart thumping loudly. She reached what she thought was the correct door and swung it open.
A row of windows ran across the space directly across from her. In the moonlight, she saw Evan’s silhouette. Rachel breathed a sigh of relief and quietly closed the door.
“Rachel?” he softly called.
“I’m here.” She realized he was gazing into shadows while she had the benefit of the moon illuminating him. “Stay there. I’ll come to you.”
She skirted the furniture, sticking to the wall, until she reached him. Stepping out, he clasped her elbows.