“Ah, yes. This might do.” Merrifield turned and motioned for Rachel to join him.
She somehow managed to put one foot in front of the other and reluctantly came to stand next to him.
He handed her a large volume and said, “The History of Manure Use in Farming. This is a strong possibility.” He turned back to the shelves and removed an even thicker volume. “Or how about this one? I’m sure reading about grain production in Essex County would knock you straight out. In fact, you might sleep straight through breakfast and beyond.”
Nervously, Rachel licked her lips as she accepted the book. “I’ll think about which one to choose, my lord.”
She stood rooted to the spot, wishing he would leave. Instead, Merrifield stared at her a long moment, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
Finally, he turned to Evan, who now drained his glass. “What say you, Merrick? Shall we leave Lady Rachel to her reading?”
Evan set the tumbler down. “Good night to you both.”
He nodded deferentially as he passed Rachel. Merrifield followed closely behind and did the same, though he winked at her as he passed. They exited and she replaced both volumes from where Merrifield had taken them and placed her palms against her face, feeling the fire in her cheeks.
What if Merrifield had walked in on them?
Horrified by that thought, Rachel realized how risky their behavior had been. If anyone had caught them together...
She moved to the shelves and grabbed the first book her hand landed upon. Holding it tightly to her chest, she made her way back to her room. Just before she reached it, Merrifield stepped from the shadows. He joined her, slipping the book from her hands.
“Poetry? I would have thought this would be something young ladies adored reading. All those verses about unrequited love.” He smiled. “Or the power of love—when it is fulfilled.”
Rachel managed to chuckle. “I find all poetry bland. All those tedious rhymes being forced. Especially if it waxes on about love.”
“You aren’t romantic in nature?” he asked, lifting the braid that fell over one shoulder and toying with it.
“Not especially.” She stepped back, enough for him to drop it. Holding out her hand, she said, “May I? This isn’t appropriate.”
“No,” he said huskily. “It isn’t. But then again, I’ve never found being proper very interesting. I feel we may be kindred souls in that regard, Lady Rachel.”
She felt the pulse beating in her throat and her mouth grew dry. “I assure you, my lord, I am most interested in conforming with Polite Society’s rules. Not flouting them. And those rules don’t involve standing in a darkened hallway having a discussion with you at this time of night.”
“Especially in your night rail and dressing gown,” he said softly. “It’s a very pretty color on you. In fact, everything looks good on you, Lady Rachel. And probably off, as well.”
He took a step forward and she sensed the possibility of a kiss. For a moment, the thought thrilled her. She could put to practice what she’d learned in her midnight lessons.
But Merrifield wasn’t Merrick. Though Merrifield was a remarkably handsome man, intriguing and full of fun, it would be a betrayal of Evan. Even though Evan wouldn’t have cared. She deliberately moved back a foot, putting distance between them again.
Their gazes held for a moment and then she lowered hers to the book. Snatching it from his hands, she said, “Good night, Lord Merrifield.”
Rachel entered the bedchamber and closed the door quietly. She leaned against it for support, her breath coming rapidly.
Why had he deliberately waited for her? Was that flirting? Had Merrifield truly wanted to kiss her? More importantly, should she have let him? Evan had made it clear he had no interest in pursuing a relationship with her. At some point, she would have to explore kissing with other men. Merrifield was interested in her. Perhaps she should reciprocate that interest—and see where it went.
She went to the bed and placed the book down on the table beside it. Climbing into the bed, she raised the sheet over her and curled up on her side, wondering if she would ever be allowed to partake in her last kissing lesson with Evan.
Maybe it was for the best. If she did, she might lose her heart to him. For good.
And be miserable the rest of her life.