Chapter Six

Evan stripped offhis coat and waistcoat and tore at his cravat, tossing it to the floor.

Rachel St. Clair infuriated him.

He waited half an hour and stole down to the library, taking the same chair he did last night. This time, it faced the doorway so he could see her enter.

And decide whether he should strangle her or not.

She’d done an excellent job of ignoring him since they’d returned from Edgemere. At afternoon tea, she spoke animatedly to everyone present. He could see why Leah had called her popular. Everyone vied for her attention. She truly listened when others spoke, slightly tilting her head and nodding along. She asked interesting questions. She made astute comments. Moreover, she made a point to draw others into the conversation, making sure no one was left out.

Except him.

Oh, she had spoken to him. Twice. Once, she asked him to pass the cream. The other time, she looked around and saw raisin cakes on a plate near him. Sweetly, she asked him to pass the plate in her direction. He had—and then watched her take a forkful and slip it between those luscious lips. Evan forced himself to look away after that.

Dinner was no better. He found himself at the opposite end of the table from her, seated on the same side. He couldn’t see her but he could hear her tinkling laughter. Apparently, she had an utterly amusing dinner companion.

After the men smoked their cheroots and drank brandy, they joined the ladies in the drawing room. Alford suggested a few of them sing and one woman got up right away, eager for attention. She had a tolerable voice. Then Leah urged Rachel to play and sing. She insisted her dinner companion come and turn the pages for her, batting her long lashes at the man. Evan thought her pianoforte skills merely adequate but she sang remarkably well. Her singing voice was low, just like her speaking voice. While she would never be able to hit the high notes of others, her rich tone washed over him, warming his insides.

After that, everyone began claiming how tired they were and retired as the clock chimed half-past nine. If she came tonight, it would be part lesson and part punishment. He’d make certain he didn’t kiss her on the mouth. That would show her.

He now sat. Waiting. Wondering if she would show. He listened to the clock in the foyer as it marked each quarter-hour. Finally, midnight arrived. By the sixth chime, he worried she wouldn’t come. By the eighth, he was certain she wouldn’t. By the tenth, he resigned himself to returning to his room. Evan sighed as the last muffled chime rang out.

Suddenly, the door swung open and closed quickly. His heartbeat sped up.

Rachel looked to where they had sat last night. Disappointment flashed across her face. Though she’d hurt him with her behavior, he didn’t want to do the same and stood.

“Rachel?” he called softly.

She raised her chin and searched across the room as he moved toward her.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” she said as he reached her.

“I thought the same,” he admitted.

Taking her hand, he led her to the settee.

“I see you changed after dinner.”

“Leah was getting ready for bed so I thought I should do the same.”

“Did she ask where you were going?”

Rachel chuckled. “Leah has always needed more sleep than me. She was snoring when I left. I’m the one who’s always been a night owl. I used to come downstairs when I couldn’t sleep. Jeremy was often there. We’d talk. Sometimes, he’d warm milk for me.”

She fell silent and he let it stretch out, his army patience in full bloom.

She broke first. “Well, are we going to have our second lesson?”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Good. I’m ready for us to kiss on the mouth tonight. Jeremy and Catherine are constantly kissing, even after being married two years and having had twins. Leah goes on and on about Alford’s kisses. It’s time I learned what it’s all about.”

“Not yet,” he cautioned.

“Why?” she demanded. “You know the house party only lasts two weeks. Not only do I need to learn how to kiss but I need time to practice. We need to start tonight,” she insisted.

“Who’s in charge of your lessons?” Evan asked softly.