“No, don’t give me that,” Leah warned. “You said you would give everyone a fair chance. This is Alex’s best friend of many years. Please, be nice to him. For me?”

Rachel squeezed Leah’s hand. “Of course, I’ll be nice. He did seem to be a decent fellow.”


She changed into her riding habit and returned downstairs to the kitchen, where she claimed a carrot. Stepping outside, she saw the day was partly sunny. A few clouds blew across the pale blue sky.

When she arrived at the stables, Evan stood outside it, holding the reins of a horse in hand. He wore his regimental colors.

“Are you back off to war so soon?” she asked teasingly.

“These fit better. Riding puts a strain on clothes. While borrowing some of Alford’s clothes will do for a few days, I didn’t want to return to Fairfield with my pants split.”

“Well, you look quite dashing.” Actually, better than dashing. His white pantaloons fit him like a second skin, revealing muscular thighs and calves. The snug scarlet coat emphasized his broad shoulders.

“My lady?”

Rachel tore her eyes from him and saw a groom leading out another horse.

“I took the liberty of having your horse saddled. Alex told me which one he recommended to you. May I help you mount?”

“Yes, please.”

Rachel went to the solid black horse and stroked its nose. “I have something for you, my beauty,” she said, holding up the carrot and letting the horse munch on it.

When he finished, Evan asked, “Ready?”

She moved to the side and the marquess took her by the waist and hoisted her into the saddle. Rachel tucked her leg around the horn, hoping those unforeseen butterflies going wild in her stomach might calm. They scrambled her thoughts and being on a new horse, she needed to keep her wits about her.

Evan mounted his horse and said, “Follow me.”

He cantered away and Rachel followed. As they reached the lane that led up to the house, he paused and she rode up next to him.

“Where should we explore?” she asked. “Since you’re familiar with Fairfield lands and the area, I will leave it to you.”

“Would you mind if we rode to Edgemere? It’s been six years since I’ve seen it.”

Rachel saw the eagerness in his face and replied, “I’d enjoy seeing your home, Lord Merrick. Lead the way.”