“The St. Clair emeralds? Oh, Jeremy, I can’t. Catherine should be wearing these and then they should go to Jenny. Or Delia.”

“As you point out, I have two daughters and, hopefully, more will come. I am a duke, Rachel. One of the wealthiest men in the kingdom. I will simply buy new emeralds. This is part of your heritage. We want you to have them and wear them with pride.”

She flung herself at him, hugging him tightly and then doing the same to Catherine.

“I can’t thank you enough.”

“The only thanks I ask is for you to wear them and live your life in love,” he said softly.

Rachel went and sat, staring at the emerald and diamond necklace and matching earrings. Finally, she lifted one earring and fastened it to her lobe and did the same with the other. Catherine removed the necklace and placed it around Rachel’s neck, fastening the clasp. She touched the jewels with her fingertips.

“They look lovely with your dress,” Cor complimented.

“Evan will be mad for you when he sees you,” Leah proclaimed. “Make sure he doesn’t sweep you off your feet and run away before you speak your vows.”

They all laughed and then Jeremy informed them it was time to leave for St. George’s. Downstairs, they found Luke waiting. He grinned when he saw her.

“You’re riding in the second carriage with me,” he informed the group. “All these female relatives have fussed over you all morning. It’s my time with you now.”

He led her outside and helped her into the carriage while the others boarded the first one outside the townhouse.

Luke sat next to Rachel and took her hand. “You’ve been such a big part of my life.”

She chuckled. “I’m not dying, Luke. I’m not leaving you. I’m simply getting married.”

“I know. To a very good man, I might add. Still, I know how things will change now. Merrick and the family you create together will be your priority. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you.”

Tears misted her eyes. “I love you, too, Luke. And I cannot wait to find you a bride so you can experience the same kind of happiness I’ve discovered with Evan.”

“I think you should make Merrifield your priority. He’s been publically rejected and has the sympathy of thetonnow. He’s also older than I am. He needs a wife before I get one.”

“Hmm. That’s true. All right. I’ll focus on Merrifield first,” she agreed.

“You do know thetoncan’t figure out your and Merrick’s relationship with him. You’ve danced with Merrifield at two balls this past week. You and Merrick even supped with him and other companions the other night.”

“We truly like him. I’m sorry I hurt him so but we get along well. Yes, it surprises me that Evan and Merrifield also get along. It just... works.”

Luke squeezed her hand. “Both of them are lucky to have you in their lives. Merrick most of all.”

Rachel smiled brightly. “I think so, too. But once I help Merrifield find true love, you will be my next project, Luke.”

“Oh, look. There’s St. George’s.” He grinned. “Are you properly distracted?”

She kissed his cheek. “For now, Brother. For now.”

Luke helped her from the carriage. Catherine and Leah bent to straighten her gown but he waved them away.

“You don’t need to be doing that in your condition, Leah,” he warned.

“I’m not an invalid, Luke. I’m merely having a baby.”

Rachel looked at her friend, whose belly was slightly rounded now. Her baby would arrive in November, while Catherine’s would come sometime in December. Rachel brushed her fingers along her own stomach, wondering if she and Evan had already made a baby and that by this time next year, they might be parents. She wanted that very much. He’d grown up an only child, pushed away for some reason by his father. Since she’d grown up with loving siblings, she wanted Evan to experience the joys of family and hoped they had many children.

Luke finished arranging her dress and Cor nodded in satisfaction. Jeremy took Catherine and Cor’s arms to escort them inside. Catherine looked back over her shoulder and blew Rachel a kiss. Luke held out his arms for her and Leah to take and brought them through the church doors.

Once inside, Leah said, “I’ll go to the altar now. I’m telling you because I doubt you’ll see me there. Your eyes will be on Evan, as they should be. When the time comes, try to remember to hand me your bouquet.” Her eyes twinkled. “Don’t forget when the music starts, you’re to walk down the aisle.”

Luke and Leah entered the chapel and Rachel went to stand at the doors. She saw every pew filled. Then her eyes found Evan and love soared within her. Vaguely, she was aware that Leah had arrived at the front but she only gazed at her beloved. Organ music swelled and she lifted a foot to begin her journey toward the man she was making a lifetime commitment to.