The waltz ended—but he kept her in his arms. Rachel squirmed, trying to free herself from him, but his gripped tightened on her.

“I came to say something to you,” Merrick began.

“Will youlet goof me?” she hissed, sensing that others were starting to look at them.

“No. Not until I’m finished.”

“Please, Merrick. People are staring at us. I’ll let you speak to me. In private.”

“No,” he said more firmly, his voice raised. “What I have to say to you is something the entire world can hear because it’s an eternal truth.” He paused. “I love you, Rachel.”

Her heart stopped. Her jaw dropped. Her mouth was so dry that she couldn’t speak.

“I didn’t want you to think I’d become confused because of the lessons. That last night I was about to tell you how much I loved you. How much I believed in us together. How you brought me joy and fulfilled me in ways I never knew existed. And then... it was too late.”

He loosened his grip on her and captured her hands, bringing them to his lips and kissing them tenderly.

“I held my tongue because you declared you didn’t love me. You said you’d never speak vows with a man you didn’t love. There was no reason at that point to tell you of my affection.”

“I did love you,” she said earnestly, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I thoughtyoudidn’t loveme. You’d never given me any indication of your feelings. I didn’t want you to feel trapped. Forced to marry me. I feared it would destroy us both. That’s why I said what I did. I had to let you gobecauseI loved you so much.”

Rachel saw hope spring in his mesmerizing blue eyes. The same feeling grew within her.

“I know months have passed,” he said. “You are Rachel St. Clair, the most noted beauty of theton. Men fall at your feet for a single smile. I can’t think that you’d still love me after all this time apart. It’s more than I could ask for. I couldn’t live another day, though, without declaring my feelings to you.”

He knelt and pressed a fervent kiss against her hands. Looking up, he said, “I wish you all the happiness in the world, Rachel. Know that I will love you not only until the day they place me in my grave—but even in the great beyond.”

Tears almost blinded her now. “Get up, you bloody idiot, and kiss me like you mean it,” she demanded. “And it better be good. As you said before, St. Clairs always get what they want.”

He rose, his smile blindingly bright. “I love you, Rachel. More than Everton loves his duchess.”

She smiled radiantly. “That’s quite a declaration, Evan Drake. Prove it.”

His arms came around her and his mouth took hers. Hungrily. Possessively. Deliciously. She had no idea how long they kissed until he finally let her go.

“How was that for a start?” he asked.

Suddenly, she was aware of thunderous applause and glanced around, seeing that the entiretonhad remained to watch this scene play out.

She wound her arms about his neck and said, “I suppose you understand that you’ve announced your intentions to the entire world with that display.”

Evan grinned. “It’s a story we’ll tell our children. And grandchildren. I’m sure thetonwill tell and retell it so many times that we’ll become legends.”

With that, he kissed her again and then swept her off her feet.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked breathlessly as she watched him look around.

Evan didn’t have far to go. He carried her straight to Jeremy and Catherine, who stood nearby, as Luke hurried to join them. The front of Catherine’s gown was soaked with her tears, ones that Rachel knew were happy ones. Luke beamed and winked at her.

It was Jeremy who concerned her. His face was a mask.

Evan eased Rachel to her feet, keeping his arm about her waist.

“Your Grace, I would like to ask your permission to wed Lady Rachel. I believe you know how highly I hold her in regard. I promise she will be the most loved and most cherished wife in theton.”

Rachel held her breath, waiting for Jeremy to respond. Slowly, a smile replaced the solemn look he’d held. He pulled Catherine close and asked, “Duchess, do you think Merrick can love my sister as much as I love you?” he asked.

Catherine pretended to consider his question. “You’ve set a high mark, Duke. I suppose Merrick can try. If he ever surpasses you, I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.”

She kissed him on the mouth, causing the crowd to titter.

Jeremy finally broke the kiss and turned back to them. “All right, Merrick. I’ll allow you to wed Rachel. I’m warning you, though, you better make her happy. Always.”

Evan looked at her, love shining in his eyes. “I plan to spend the rest of my life doing just that.”