Chapter Three

“There’s no wayI can sleep now,” Rachel declared to Leah as they entered the library. “After staying up hours past midnight for months during our Season, I’m having trouble adapting to going to bed by ten o’clock.”

“I know what you mean. We’ll need to, though. House party guests usually rise early and go to bed early,” Leah replied.

They went and sat on a plush settee. Rachel pulled her bare feet up under her. Both women were in their night rails, covered by dressing gowns. Since everyone at Fairfield had gone to bed, she hadn’t seen the need for them to dress when they came downstairs.

“What do you think of your soon-to-be new home?” she asked.

“I love everything about it,” Leah said. “The rooms are large and airy. The gardens are beautiful.”

“Don’t forget the stables,” Rachel reminded. “Alford has quite a bit of decent horseflesh.”

“You’re the rider. Not I.”

“I plan to ride often while we’re here. Alford showed me which mount he thought would be most suited to me.”

Leah touched her arm. “And have you found any of the guests suited to you?”

Rachel laughed. “Not in the way you think. You know me. I adore meeting new people and learning all about them. I did know five of the gentlemen from our London Season. Three others were new to me, though, all neighbors of Alford’s. I enjoyed speaking with them and several of the women in the neighborhood. As to what you’re asking? No, I didn’t find any of them interesting in a romantic kind of way.” She sighed. “No sparks like what you’ve said you felt when you and Alford met.”

Leah smiled dreamily. “I do think it was love at first sight, Rachel. Even from across the room, Alex caught my eye that night. That first time we danced? It was magical.”

“I remember Jeremy harping on you to give other men a chance when every sentence you uttered began with ‘Alford says this or Alford says that’.”

“I did try. I danced with anyone who asked. I allowed other gentlemen to come to visit. But it was always Alex, from the beginning. And when we kissed? I knew for certain.”

Rachel snorted. “The kisses you describe with Alford are nothing like my experience.”

“What men have you kissed, Rachel? I’m curious.”

“Three that count. One was a very attractive viscount. The moment his lips touched mine, it was as if I rubbed against a cold fish. A rakish duke came after that. He was far too good-looking. You know how men can act when they’re handsome and they know it. Since their looks came to them with no effort, they think everything should come to them easily. He pressed his lips against mine and then did nothing. Surely, there has to be more than that!”

“Oh, there is,” Leah murmured. “And the third?”

“You’ll know him. It’s that terribly sweet earl. I always forget his name but he’s the one who constantly steps on your toes when you dance with him.”

Leah shuddered. “My feet were bruised for a week after we danced. How did he kiss?”

Rachel laughed. “He put his lips on mine and then started sucking on them. It hurt. I jerked away and gave him the death stare that Jeremy taught us to use when we wished for a man to be gone.”

Leah laughed. “I’ll admit I used it a few times myself when I received unwanted attention.”

“There was a fourth time but I don’t really count it. Another earl, not very handsome, but he was quite decent. He told me that I looked as if I could use some fresh air and escorted me out to the terrace. Then he lunged at me. I knew it would end in a kiss so I turned my head, thinking his lips would merely graze my cheek. Can you imagine my surprise when histongueslid across my face? Whatever did he have it hanging out for, like some panting dog?”

She watched Leah place both hands over her mouth and shake with laughter.

“What? What did I say that was so humorous?”

Her friend calmed. “You have a few things to learn, Rachel. One is that kissing often involves tongues.”

“It does?” Surprise filled her. “Why? Do you and Alford useyourtongues?”

Leah blushed. “We most certainly do. Sometimes, you want to be as close as you can to the one you love. You want to taste him as well as touch him. That involves tongues. And not always in your mouth.” She leaned forward, her voice lowered, as she said, “Sometimes, those tongues enjoy running over skin.”

“Really? This is fascinating. Why hasn’t anyone told me this before? Maybe if one of those gentlemen had known how to kiss me properly, I might have experienced some type of romantic feelings for them.”

“Well, it’s not quite proper to first kiss using your tongue,” Leah said primly. “I would say it’s reserved for when you have true, deep feelings for a man.”