She felt nothing.

He began to pull away and she ordered, “Again, please.”

A startled look crossed his face and then he smiled. Michaels had a very nice smile. He also enjoyed riding and lived close to Fairfield. Those were three definite factors in his favor. Rachel doubted it was enough to base a marriage upon—but it was a start.

This time, his grasp on her tightened. His kiss wasn’t as chaste. It was firmer. She relaxed her mouth as Merrick had taught her and Michaels actually slipped his tongue in briefly. Rachel kept her own tongue still, not wishing to mate with his, merely interested to see what feelings might be stirred.

Again, nothing.

He broke the kiss, his eyes darker than before. She supposed that was due to passion.

Sadly, she told him, “We won’t be kissing again, Lord Michaels.”

He smiled ruefully. “I suspected as much, Lady Rachel. I must say, I’ve never had a woman be so bold before. Why did you ask me to kiss you twice?”

“To make certain. I am searching for a husband. I need to know that I satisfy him as much as he satisfies me. Especially when we kiss. You kiss very well, my lord. I just don’t think you’re the one for me.”

The viscount laughed. “Well, I’m glad we cleared that up.”

“You are a most marvelous dancer though. Very light on your feet.” She offered him a smile, extending an olive branch to him. “And I very much would still like to dance with you.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “You are a delight, my lady. Come. Let us dance again.”

They returned to the ballroom and danced another time. Supper was served after that and she went and sat with her family.

“Have you found any beauties that appeal to you?” she asked Luke.

He grinned. “A few. How about you?”

“No one that strikes my fancy, though I have found a few good dance partners.”

She noticed that Merrick sat in the corner as he ate. Though he was with several of this week’s houseguests, he didn’t seem to be adding much to the conversation. Rachel turned away. Merrick was none of her business, just as she was not any of his. She could kiss anyone she wanted without his approval. She could even stay on the shelf and never wed if she chose. It was important that she do what made her happy.

Even if she felt miserable.

It disappointed her that no waltz had been played but she understood that most country residents disapproved of the foreign dance. After supper, Rachel danced several more times until she found herself out of breath. Her current partner, Lord Merrifield, asked if she wanted to rest.

“Or we could step out for a breath of fresh air,” he suggested.

He had been one of the candidates that she’d considered kissing. She decided now was as good a time as any to do so.

“That would be lovely,” she replied, smiling sweetly at him.

Once again, she strolled with him along the terrace, though two other couples also had the same idea. Merrifield slowly guided her to the far corner. It was obvious what was on the earl’s mind.

“Are you going to try and kiss me, Lord Merrifield?” she asked coyly.

“Only if you let me, Lady Rachel,” he said smoothly.

He was one of the most handsome men present tonight. He had beautiful manners and had pursued her over the last week. From what he said, his estate was nice. He also had a sister and brother he spoke of fondly. Rachel supposed she might as well kiss him.

She smiled. “I will oblige you in one kiss. No more,” she said primly.

“One is all I’ll need.”

With that, his hands spanned her waist and he stepped close to her. His mouth came down hard, no gentle exploring to start. She started to protest and that gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue inside her mouth.

He was skilled. She’d give him that. Lord Merrifield knew exactly what he was doing. She briefly allowed her tongue to touch his to see if they had a spark. His hands tightened on her waist and he deepened the kiss.