“It’s quite good this morning.” He speared a slice with his fork and transferred it to her plate.
The small gesture almost ripped her heart out, as if his fork had stabbed it and not a piece of pork. She had no idea how she would get it down. Glumly, she sliced a bite and brought it to her mouth, praying she would have the energy to chew and swallow.
She turned to the tall figure standing in the doorway and dropped her fork. “Luke!”
Quickly, she pushed her chair back and hurried to him. Her brother enveloped her in a tight hug and then kissed her soundly.
“Is everyone already at Fairfield?”
“No. I rode ahead. The coaches will arrive soon. I wanted to get here first and see you. And Leah.”
By now, Leah had risen and joined them. Luke hugged her and captured Leah’s hands, holding her arms out.
“You look wonderful, Leah. Happy.” Luke grinned. “I’d even say in love.”
“I am, Luke. Please, come join us.”
Alford and Merrick had risen. Luke knew Alford and greeted him warmly and then the earl introduced Luke to Merrick.
“My oldest, closest friend in the world,” Alford proclaimed. “Just back from the Peninsula.”
“Are you hungry, Luke? As if I should ask,” Leah said. “All you St. Clairs have a healthy appetite.”
Luke grinned. “I could eat something.” He went to the buffet and filled a plate high with food before returning and taking a seat.
They talked for a half-hour and then a servant came and whispered into Alford’s ear.
“The ducal coaches have been spotted,” the earl said. “Why don’t we go to the drive and greet your family, my love?”
Luke assisted Rachel from the table and they walked ahead of the others.
“So, how has the house party been? How many men fell in love with you?” he teased. Then he grew serious. “Or better yet—did you find love?”
She had spent long hours talking with Luke about how she must love the man she wed. She witnessed the wonderful example of Jeremy and Catherine and would settle for nothing less.
“Oh, I’ve had several male houseguests interested in me,” she said airily. “No one who’s truly caught my fancy, though.”
“Hmm,” Luke said thoughtfully. “Not even Merrick? I liked him for the brief time we spoke. And the fact he’s Alford’s good friend speaks well of him.”
“Major Merrick... that is, the marquess, has recently sold his commission and returned to England this past week. I think he is ready to be alone after spending so many years at war. Possibly, he will marry in the future but I’m not interested in him in that way.” Rachel thought her lies sounds quite natural and was proud of herself.
Before Luke could reply, Leah cried, “There they are!”
Rachel watched three carriages come up the long drive. She knew the first would contain Jeremy and Catherine and the second their servants. The third would hold trunks for clothing and provide adequate room when she and Leah returned to Eversleigh. The house party ended tomorrow but they were to stay an extra day before leaving for home.
The first carriage pulled up and came to a stop. The footman opened the door and before he could place any steps down, Jeremy bounded from the coach. He reached and captured Catherine’s waist, swinging her to the ground. A pang of envy rose within Rachel. She knew what it was like to have Merrick’s hands on her waist. The way it made her breathing shallow and caused butterflies to beat wildly within her belly.
“Darlings!” Catherine cried, wriggling from Jeremy’s hold. She raced to both Rachel and Leah and threw her arms about them. “It’s wonderful to see you.”
“We’ve only been gone a week,” Leah pointed out. “How are the wedding plans going?”
“Everything is on schedule but I will be ready to have you back at Eversleigh. There are so many things I wish to have your approval on before going forward.”
Leah tugged on Catherine to come greet Alford. Rachel noticed Merrick had come out with them and quickly turned to her brother.
Jeremy smiled and embraced her. With him being eleven years older, he’d served more as a father figure to her over the years.