Chapter Twelve
Rachel and Leahreadied themselves for bed. Leah was in a chatty mood and took her time, making Rachel all the more jittery since she was eager to meet Evan.
Leah unpinned her hair and held out her brush. “Would you mind, Rachel? I love when you do it for me.”
Knowing how brushing Leah’s hair soothed her, Rachel readily took the brush in hand. She stood behind her friend and pulled it through her long, blond locks.
“At least one hundred strokes,” Leah murmured, closing her eyes.
Rachel counted in her head. When she reached thirty, Leah opened her eyes and began chatting.
“Oh, this has been a wonderful house party. I’ve enjoyed getting to know some of Alex’s friends and neighbors. And then the ball will be two nights from now, with many more of his neighbors in attendance. I’m so glad Catherine and Jeremy are coming for it. I can’t wait for them to see Fairfield.”
“It is a beautiful estate. I know you’ll be happy here.”
Leah laughed softly. “I would be happy anywhere Alex was. I’m so glad I had a successful Season and found the man I was meant to be with for eternity.” She paused. “Your future husband is out there, Rachel. You’ll find him when it’s meant to be.”
“I hope so.” She counted ten more strokes before asking, “Do you think kissing with your tongue had anything to do with falling in love with Alford?”
Leah gasped. “Rachel! Only you would dare to ask me something like that.”
“Well… did it? I’m merely curious since I haven’t used mine before.”
“Hmm.” Leah thought a moment. “I believe I fell in love with Alex the first time I saw him from across that crowded ballroom. Although I will admit that kissing him—with my tongue—did confirm that my feelings for him were true.”
Leah looked over her shoulder. “Is there someone here at Fairfield that you particularly want to kiss in that way? I know Merrifield and Merrick have paid you special attention, more so than the others.”
“They are both very nice,” Rachel said noncommittally.
“Merrifield is quite handsome. He seems to dote on you. In fact, he—and two other gentlemen—have a special surprise planned for you tomorrow.”
“Let me guess. They’ve talked Jones and Mrs. Dunnavant into holding tea in the gazebo.”
Leah frowned. “You already know?”
Rachel shrugged. “I suggested it when we first toured the gardens. Merrifield said he would make it happen. Frankly, I’m surprised it took him so long to arrange it.”
“Well, please act surprised. I know he’s gone to a great deal of trouble for you.”
“I will smile graciously,” she promised.
“What of Merrick? You’ve spent the most time with him.”
“What about him?” Rachel said casually, continuing to brush Leah’s hair.
“You seem to verbally spar with him quite a bit. And enjoy it.”
“Merrick is interesting. Possibly because of his war experience. He’s been places and done much more than most men of my acquaintance.”
“Alex would be very pleased if something stirred between the two of you.” Leah turned and removed the brush from Rachel’s hand and took it. “I would, too. As much as I love Alex and can’t wait to marry him, I regret leaving you behind.”
She laughed. “You’re not leaving me behind, silly. First, you will be busy settling in as Alford’s countess. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if this time next year, you’d already birthed his child.”
Hope sprang in Leah’s eyes. “You think so?”
“You will be a wonderful mother, Leah.”
“I know I’m supposed to get an heir and possibly a spare but I know nothing about boys. I want a girl first. Is that selfish of me?”