“Actually, I sold out a few days ago and have returned to England for good. My estate is five miles to the north of Fairfield. I will be living there once the house party ends.”
“Then you must come to our wedding,” Leah insisted.
“I plan to.” He turned to Rachel. “And who might this be?”
“This is Lady Rachel St. Clair,” Alford told him. “Leah’s other half. They are inseparable.”
Evan bowed politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rachel.”
“I feel the same,” she replied coolly. “Shall we get something to eat, Leah?”
They went to the sideboard. Rachel piled her plate with eggs, ham, toast, and jam and joined Leah, who already sat across from the two men.
“Are your eyes larger than your stomach?” Evan asked as she sat and a footman poured tea for her.
Alford chuckled. “I’ve eaten breakfast many days with Lady Rachel. She can out-eat any man I know.”
Leah spread strawberry jam on her toast. “While I eat very little. I can look at food and become bloated. Rachel eats to her heart’s content and stays slender. I don’t see how she does it.”
“I’m more active than you, Leah. I walk daily and enjoy gardening. You’re more interested in sedate activities, such as needlework and letter writing.”
“What about reading?” Evan asked her.
“I do enjoy a good book. In fact, I perused Alford’s library late last night,” Rachel said nonchalantly. “It’s quite good. You should visit it while you are here. I’m sure you could find something to interest you.”
“Thank you for the recommendation.”
“I find there’s so much to be learned in libraries,” she continued. “I think one should go on learning new things throughout life.”
Evan smoothly said, “It’s a fine philosophy to live by, Lady Rachel. Provided you can find the right tutor to learn from.”
They chatted about some of the guests. Alford informed his friend of who had come and told him about those he was unfamiliar with.
“What activities do you have planned for us?” Rachel asked. “This is the first house party I’ve ever attended. I’m curious as to what we’ll be doing.”
“Since Leah loves to picnic, we’ll do that twice. One will be held down by the lake, where we can use the rowboats. The usual carriage rides and walks. Lawn tennis. Croquet. Since it’s shooting season, the men will take part in that several days, starting today.” He looked to Evan. “I’m sure you’re a crack shot after your army years. You’ll put us all to shame.”
“I think I’ll beg off today, Alex. I’m in the mood to ride.” Evan looked to the two women. “Do either of you enjoy riding?”
Rachel couldn’t believe how innocent Evan looked as he spoke. She knew he’d overheard them talking about the stables last night and how Leah didn’t care much for riding—but Rachel did.
“I merely tolerate it, Lord Merrick,” Leah said. “If you want a riding companion, Rachel loves horses.”
“Is that so?” He turned and gazed at her intently.
“Yes. Alford has already advised me on which mount to use during our visit at Fairfield,” she replied.
“Excellent. When would you like to go?”
“Give me time to change into my riding habit,” Rachel said. “I’ll meet you at the stables in a half-hour.”
“I look forward to it.”
She and Leah excused themselves and returned to their shared chamber. Once they were inside and the door closed, Leah grabbed her hand.
“Isn’t Lord Merrick engaging? And he seemed most interested in you, Rachel.”
She shrugged. “I suppose so.”