She stirred, a little sigh escaping. He kissed her bare shoulder.
“Good morning, my love.”
Her hand stroked his forearm. “Good morning.”
He pressed his lips to the side of her throat.
He idly wondered if they could stay in bed all day. They had for much of yesterday. After several bouts of making love, he’d rung for Manfry and had his valet bring them something to eat. After eating and sleeping and making love again, Catherine declared herself famished. He’d given her one of his dressing gowns and they’d sneaked down to the kitchen to retrieve a midnight snack.
Now that she was awake, he thought they could start the process over again.
“Yes?” His thumb stroked her bare belly.
“I’m disappointed in you.”
He froze.
“I had no idea in marrying a slightly older man, you would prove to be senile at your age.”
She turned to face him, her fingers playing with the hair on his chest.
“You don’t remember?” she asked, a frown marring her lovely face.
“Apparently not,” he said guardedly.
She sighed heavily. “I seem to remember marrying a man who told me I would tire of hearing him tell me how much he loved me.” She paused. “I believe he said he would tell me in the morning when we awakened. As we dressed and ate. When we made love. When we fell asleep each night.” She sniffed. “I’ve been awake a good minute now and haven’t heard the words once.”
He grinned. “I love you.”
“I suppose that’s a start.”
Jeremy kissed her. “I love you.”
“That’s better.”
He kissed her again. “I’ll tell you a hundred times today,” he promised.
“No, that’s not good enough. You were remiss as we started the day. Two hundred,” Catherine declared, mischief shining in her bright, blue eyes.
“Two hundred it is,” he agreed. “I love you, Catherine St. Clair.” He kissed her brow. “I love you.” Her cheek. “I love you.” The tip of her nose. “I love you.” Her chin.
Jeremy worked his way all over her body, from her ears to her toes.
“Satisfied?” he asked.
“Not until you make love to me.”
He needed no further invitation.
When they finished, he told her to stay in bed. She smiled lazily as she watched him dress.
“You know, the way you’re watching me, it’s as if you’re undressing me, Duchess,” he teased.
Catherine shrugged. “And what if I am, Duke?”