Instead, she pulled him to his feet and took off his coat and then unbuttoned his waistcoat. Peeling it from him, she bit her lip, thinking what she should do next.

Jeremy locked his legs around the back of hers and she braced her hands on his shoulders to keep from falling. She moved them to his cravat and undid it sensuously, sliding it from his neck. The shirt buttons came next and once she’d unbuttoned them, he raised his arms so she could pull it from him.

Catherine couldn’t help but gasp. He was bare to the waist now, his sleek, muscled torso a thing of beauty. A dark matting of hair covered his chest and ran in a line into his breeches. She gave in to temptation and placed her palms on it, moving them slowly. He sucked in a quick breath and she realized how moved he was by her touch. His eyes had closed. The corners of his mouth turned up. She pushed him back against the mattress and leaned over, kissing his throat, feeling his pulse jump. Her hands continued to roam, her fingertips finding his nipples and playing with them.

Jeremy’s hands shot out and grabbed her wrists. “My turn,” he said, pushing up until they both stood.

“I wasn’t through,” she protested.

“In time, Duchess,” he promised.

He bent until he grasped the hem of her green overdress and pulled it over her head. The simple silk underdress followed. He kissed her again, pulling her close, his hands running through her hair and over her back. His bare skin felt on fire.

Jeremy nuzzled her throat, licking and nipping, causing her breasts to grow heavy and a pounding to start in her nether regions. He removed her petticoat. His eyes feel to the curve of her breasts, pushed upward by her corset. His thumbs rubbed along the curve, over and over.

“Your skin is like satin,” he told her as he gently turned her and loosed the stays.

Catherine only wore her chemise now. His fingers went to her shoulders and slipped under the sleeveless garment, causing her breath to quicken. Slowly, he pulled the chemise from her. She stood naked in front of him. Surprisingly, she felt no embarrassment as his admiring gaze took her in.

“You are exquisite.” He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth and another few along her collarbone.

“My turn, Duke,” she proclaimed boldly.

She bent and unbuttoned the buttons at his waist and then the ones at his fall. Immediately, his manhood spilled out, standing at full attention. She swallowed, wondering how it was ever going to fit within her. Worried now, she pushed the breeches down his thighs and they fell to the floor. He sat again so she could pull them off. Now, it was easy to get to his thick, cotton stockings and she removed those, as well.

Jeremy stood again, looking like an Adonis who rose from the seas. One hand moved to cradle her neck as his arm went around her waist. His hungry mouth descended upon hers, taking his fill. His body burned against hers, the skin heated. Passion sparked between them. Kissing was no longer enough. They collapsed onto the bed, both their hands roaming. Her tongue glided along his neck, tasting the salt of his skin, as she breathed in his musk. He pinned her wrists above her head and held them with one hand as he feasted upon her breasts. Catherine writhed beneath him, the blood pounding in her ears.

Then his fingers danced along her belly and down to her womanhood. Her body knew what was coming when they entered her as before. She gasped his name, over and over, as he brought her to a height she’d never known. The orgasm spilled from her, her body jerking, trembling, as she rode the crest of passion.

Jeremy moved over her, twining his fingers through hers. She felt his manhood brushing against her.

“Don’t be afraid,” he said.

“I’m not,” she told him. “I’ll never be afraid when I am with you.”

He entered her with a single thrust and stopped. A sharp pain erupted. As she cried out, his mouth covered hers, kissing her, encouraging her. The pain quickly subsided and Catherine was aware he was now inside her.

They were one.

Jeremy kissed her again deeply and began to slowly move. The friction of their bodies caused a beautiful sensation. His fingers tightened on hers as he began thrusting. Gradually, he increased his pace and she found herself meeting each thrust. Living for it. The same feeling from before began building within her. She held tightly to him. Suddenly, it erupted in a halo of colors and sensations, more powerful than anything she’d experienced.

He called out her name and buried his face against her throat as he collapsed. She welcomed his weight, which pushed her into the mattress. She felt treasured. Protected.


Jeremy rolled off her but brought her along, pinning her to his side as he lay on his back. Her cheek rested against his chest and she heard the furious beating of his heart. Her legs tangled with his. Her hand stroked his side.

“I love you, Duke,” she said softly.

He ran his hand along her back, up and down, the motion soothing.

“I love you, Duchess,” he answered.

Catherine had never felt such peace.


Jeremy awoke, feelingthe warmth of Catherine’s back pressed against his chest. His arm held her to him, even in sleep. He didn’t know how he’d lived so long without her. They were perfectly matched.