“I have to ask—are you brave enough to love me? Scandal or no scandal? For better or worse?”
She’d never said aloud the words that filled her heart.
Until now.
With tears blinding her, she could barely make him out, but Catherine told him, “I do love you, Jeremy. I always have.”
He kissed her with a tenderness that let Catherine know how cherished she was. From a distance, she heard the rousing cheers of the coach passengers and bystanders who’d taken a keen interest in this entertaining conversation.
“Excuse me, Your Grace?”
Jeremy broke the kiss and smiled down at her. Then he looked to the driver who sat in the box. “Yes?”
“We’ve got a schedule to keep, Your Grace.”
“Of course. Leah, come down.”
Catherine saw her sister standing in the coach’s doorway, grinning shamelessly. She started down the steps and Jeremy caught her waist, lowering her to the ground. Leah fell into Catherine’s arms.
The coach started off and Catherine said, “Oh, no! Our luggage.”
Jeremy laughed. “I am a duke, you know. I can buy you both new wardrobes.”
Her wonderful husband took her in his arms again. “I love you, Catherine St. Clair. I plan to take you home now and make love to you the rest of the day.”
He kissed her again, long and deep. She returned it openly, happily, love swelling in her heart.
When they finally parted, Leah stood nearby with an amused look on her face. Strong stood beside her.
“Your coach awaits,” Strong said, not bothering to hide his smile.
Catherine rushed to the valet and threw her arms about him.
“You do realize you meddled in the life of a duchess,” she teased and kissed his cheek.
He turned bright red. “I do, Your Grace. And it was worth it, I see.”
She looked back at her husband. “Yes, it was, Strong.”
Jeremy joined them, his arm possessively going around her waist. “Attach my horse to the back of the coach, Strong.”
“Certainly, Your Grace.”
Jeremy led her to the grand carriage with the St. Clair ducal seal on its doors. He hoisted her into it and turned to help Leah.
Her sister laughed. “I believe I will ride up in the box with Strong.” She winked at Jeremy.
He encompassed Leah in a bear hug and then turned her loose. “You are a very smart woman, Lady Leah. You’re going to make some man very happy one day.”
She looked at him wistfully. “Even if I’m a bastard?”
He took her chin in hand.
“You’re the daughter of an earl. A sister-in-law to a duke. And you’re smart and beautiful and vivacious. Men will be clamoring at my doorstep the moment you attend your first ball. I’ll have to make them take a number and wait their turn to enter the house.”
Jeremy kissed her forehead and then climbed into the carriage. He sat and pulled Catherine into his lap.
“That was sweet what you said to Leah. Do you believe it?”
“I do. She will make an excellent match. Just as her sister did.” Giving her a rakish grin, he asked, “Now, where were we, Duchess?”
Catherine kissed him soundly in response.