“Then take me to her!”
“No,” Strong said. “Once I speak my piece, if you still wish me to bring you to her, I will gladly do so. If you choose not to accompany me, I will never tell her that we spoke.”
Jeremy studied him. “You know what she referred to in the letter.”
“I do.”
“Come along. All of you.”
When Strong hesitated to follow, Jeremy said, “This is Catherine’s family now. They will hear what you have to say.”
The servant nodded. Jeremy led the group to the library and indicated for Strong to sit.
“I ask for ten minutes, Your Grace. You’ll understand by then. But please, no questions while I speak.”
He thought the servant bordered on impudence but kept his mouth shut because he so desperately wanted to know where his wife was.
“I worked in the Crawford household for many years, most of them as valet to Lord Statham. There are only a handful of us who know the real story,” Strong began. “It was no secret in society how much Lord and Lady Statham loved one another. Even to the night Lady Statham died, if you saw the two together, you would know they were deeply in love.”
Jeremy hid his impatience, wondering what this man was working up to.
“After ten years, no child had come. Both the earl and countess were bitterly disappointed. That’s when Lady Statham told the earl she needed a baby. His baby.” Strong paused. “Even if it meant coming from a different woman.”
His head reeled in surprise as Rachel gasped.
“The Stathams had always been fond of going to the theater. Lady Statham particularly liked the looks of an actress who played a few minor roles. She had me approach the woman and invite her to tea. That afternoon, the actress agreed to have the earl’s child—if she were properly compensated.”
Strong ran his hands through his hair. Jeremy went and poured out a drink. He handed the whiskey to the servant, who tipped it back.
“The Season was ending so Lady Statham returned to the country. Lord Statham stayed in London long enough to ensure the actress was with child and then he retreated from London, as well. I returned to the city and brought the woman back to Statham Manor. An unoccupied cottage had been prepared for her. Two days before she gave birth, I smuggled her into the household. Lady Statham had spent the past several months in her rooms. Word was put out that the pregnancy was a difficult one and that she was on bedrest.
“When the time came, the local doctor was summoned. He was in on it, of course. Lady Catherine was the result. The actress, knowing she didn’t have the talent to remain on stage, took the settlement from Lord Statham. I drove her back to London, where she took a mail coach to her childhood home.”
Strong stood and began pacing. “Lady Statham remained home that Season to care for the child while Lord Statham went to the session in Parliament. They returned the next Season to London with Lady Catherine in hand and were quite happy.” He paused. “Until Lady Statham found herself with child. She lost the baby at six months and almost her life. That’s when she begged the earl for another child, hoping this time for a boy. He’d still be of Statham’s blood and inherit the title since all of society would think the child theirs.”
The valet took a seat again. “We’ve no time for the details. Suffice it to say that another woman was found and Lady Leah was the result.”
When Strong fell silent, Cor asked, “Why is this coming out now?” She looked to Jeremy. “Is this the source of the trouble between you?”
“This is the first I’ve heard of it,” Jeremy replied. He looked to the servant. “This is why she left me? Does she think her being a bastard makes any difference to me?”
“It’s the blackmail, Your Grace.”
He stilled. “Is it Statham?”
Strong nodded in confirmation. “Lady Catherine never knew any of this while her parents were alive. Statham is the only one who could have told her. He was going to take Lady Leah away from her, asserting his rights as her guardian.” The servant’s eyes flicked to Rachel. “And the earl demanded that when she made her come-out, Lady Catherine must guarantee him that Lady Rachel would be his bride.”
“What?” Rachel cried. “That’s horrible.”
“He is a horrible man, my lady,” Strong agreed. “Lady Catherine couldn’t live with herself if she forced Lady Rachel into marriage with Statham. That meant in two years, the ugly truth would come out. She didn’t want to shame you, Your Grace, or your family. Thus, she pushed for the annulment.” He paused. “They’re leaving London today. Bound for Bristol. From there, they’ll go to America. That way, you—and theton—would never have to see her again and be reminded of the scandal. It was a way to make a new life for her and her sister. We’re to leave on the one o’clock mail coach.”
“We?” he asked.
Strong shrugged. “I couldn’t let them go off on their own.”
Jeremy couldn’t believe the depth of sacrifice Catherine was willing to go to. All for him and his family. Yet he knew how much family had meant to her. How sad that her only living relative had betrayed her so cruelly.
“Take me to her. At once,” he demanded, seeing Cor’s nod of approval.