Catherine looped her arms around his neck. “It will be nice to help them prepare together for their come-out. We can hire a single dancing master. The same seamstress can make their gowns. How old is Luke?”
“He’s twenty and at university now.”
“He will be a perfect escort for them and I’m sure he’ll be able to introduce them to many of his friends. Of course, I’ll expect we’ll also keep an eye on both of them. They’re both high-spirited girls.”
“I’d rather keep an eye on you.”
He kissed her again, this time longer.
“Don’t ruin my hair,” she pleaded. “I’m already nervous enough as it is. Thetonwill be watching us closely tonight.”
“Let them,” he said, nipping at her lips.
Catherine gave over to the kiss, relishing the taste of him and the clean, spicy cologne he wore.
He broke the kiss and slid her from his lap to sit next to him. “You better stay there or I can’t be held responsible for what you might look like when you alight from this carriage.” He paused. “Did you have another favor to ask of me?”
“Yes,” she said breathlessly. “Papa had two retainers I wish to bring with me. Neither is happy with Statham. These men are like family to me, Jeremy. Jervis is the butler at Statham Manor and has been with our family since Papa was a boy. He is almost a second father to me. Jervis is wise and capable and simply wonderful.”
“And the other servant?” he asked.
Catherine smiled. “I adore Strong. He was Papa’s valet. I know all men have a valet but Strong did everything for my father, especially after the carriage accident paralyzed him. Strong bathed Papa. Turned him to prevent bedsores from occurring. Spent hours and hours at his bedside, talking to him and telling him about everything occurring on the estate. Strong made Papa still feel as if he were a part of everything and not so isolated. Frankly, I don’t know how I could have managed without Strong during all those years. Both men are extremely loyal to me. If you could find a position for them, I would be so grateful. Jervis wouldn’t have to be a butler. He would thrive wherever you placed him. Strong is no longer a valet since Statham brought his own with him. Strong serves as a driver for the earl.”
She looked at him hopefully, knowing how much she wanted to help Strong and Jervis, but not knowing how her husband-to-be would react to her request.
“I have numerous estates. Finding two men a place won’t be a hard task. Once you’re familiar with my holdings, you can help me decide where Jervis and Strong should be employed.”
Relief filled Catherine as he slipped off her glove and raised her wrist to his lips, pressing a hot kiss along it. “I’ve told you. I can deny you nothing.”
Waves of heat rippled through her. Her breasts grew heavy. “Thank you.”
Jeremy placed the glove on her hand again, smoothing it up her arm.
They arrived at the ball and, as Catherine expected, she felt every eye on them as they stood in the receiving line and then entered the ballroom.
“The countess wishes to speak to us,” Jeremy said, escorting her to the far side of the room.
Countess Lieven kissed both her and Jeremy. “Well done,” she said. “When is the wedding?”
“Next Thursday,” he replied smoothly. “You should receive your invitation tomorrow.”
“Dance with Everton no more than three times,” she instructed Catherine. “It’s obvious he’s smitten with you but you need to come to know more of those in society.”
They circulated about, meeting some people she knew and many she did not. Jeremy signed his name to her dance card, reserving the first and last dance and the supper dance in the middle. The rest of her programme filled quickly.
What surprised her most was when Statham claimed a dance. She gave it to him readily, wondering why he wished to be seen with her. She decided it was because Jeremy was a duke and her cousin might wish to trade on her soon-to-be status as a duchess.
When Statham returned her to Jeremy for the final dance of the evening, her suspicions were confirmed.
“Here’s your fiancée, Everton. Cousin Catherine is a wonderful girl. We spent many good times together growing up. I look forward to getting to know you and your family.”
Statham left and immense relief filled her. Jeremy took her the dance floor and she tried to lose herself in the music.
Catherine couldn’t help but notice that Statham sat out the dance—and watched them from the sidelines. Unease filled her. She had held up her end of their bargain by finding a husband.
Would Statham hold up his and keep her secret safe?