
Morefield escorted themhome, except for Leah. She begged to stay longer and Catherine said she could. It pleased her that the girls had hit it off so well. Matthew Proctor, Jeremy’s secretary, had come in as they were about to leave. He promised to escort Leah home after the girls talked themselves out.

“That will never happen, Matthew,” warned Rachel. “I finally have the sister I’ve always dreamed of. Two brothers were plenty to put up with all of these years. Leah and I have decided to share a room. We already have so many things in common.” She put her arm around Leah. “And we will make our come-out together.”

Catherine kissed Leah goodbye and returned with Charlotte and Morefield to their townhouse. She would see Jeremy at the Billingsley ball later that evening.

“I do like Cor,” Charlotte said in the carriage. “She will be quite an ally to have. What do you think, Morefield?”

“I’ve known Cor over twenty years. She never changes. She is hospitable. Dependable. And a fierce protector of Everton and his siblings.”

“What are you going to wear tonight, Catherine?” Charlotte asked. “You know every eye will be on you. I’m sure tongues have wagged all over town all day at the earl’s daughter who captured the heart of a duke at the opening ball of the Season.”

She only had one other decent ball gown to wear. The others had been made over. “I’ll wear lavender tonight. Do you think you might spare your lady’s maid for a few minutes to help me with my hair?”

Charlotte clasped her hand. “Of course. That dreadful Statham, stranding you without one. I thought your hair looked lovely last night.”

“Leah did it. She practiced on me for a couple of weeks.”

“When is the wedding?” Morefield asked.

“Everton hasn’t said. He only wants it soon. He mentioned next week.”

“Next week? That’s hardly time to put anything together,” Charlotte complained. “I’m assuming Statham won’t be hosting the breakfast?”

Catherine grinned. “I told him you were. He was delighted to have it somewhere else.”

She watched the couple exchange a look and then Morefield said, “The breakfast will definitely be our gift to you.”

They arrived home and Catherine relaxed in a hot bath before dressing for the evening. Someone had pressed all of her clothes and hung them in the wardrobe. A maid arrived to dress her and then Charlotte’s personal maid came and arranged Catherine’s hair in a simple coiffure that complimented both her dress and face.

Nerves shot through her as she left the bedchamber. Charlotte was right. As the first engaged couple of the Season, she and Jeremy would likely draw attention tonight. She knew she wasn’t any different from the person she’d been her entire life, but ever since Statham had told her of her origins, she felt as if she would make some horrible mistake in front of theton. Do or say something that would be seen as unpardonable.

Descending the staircase, her pulse sped up when she saw Jeremy waited at the foot of the stairs. He looked marvelous in his snow white shirt and black waistcoat and coat. His dark hair gleamed and his eyes told her how much he appreciated her efforts.

He took her hands in his. “You look ravishing.” His lips brushed her cheek. “I have half a mind to skip the Billingsley ball and find a clergyman who would marry us tonight.”

“You’ll do no such thing, Everton,” Charlotte warned. “It’ll be a proper wedding and breakfast for Catherine.”

Jeremy winked at Catherine. “I am your humble servant, Charlotte.”

“When is the wedding? Morefield and I are hosting the breakfast.”

“When is convenient for you?” he asked. “I’d like it as soon as possible.”

“Next Thursday will do,” she replied. “That’s a week away. Where will the ceremony take place?”

Her fiancé turned to her. “Where would you like it?”

“Could we have it here, Charlotte?” Catherine asked. “I don’t want a huge church filled with people I barely know. I’d prefer something small and intimate.”

“I’ll make it happen,” her friend proclaimed as her husband slid his arm about her waist.

“We’ll see you there,” Jeremy said and led her outside to his coach. The ducal seal graced its doors and a team of the finest horseflesh stood ready to carry them across London.

Once inside the carriage, she said, “I know I’ve already asked a favor of you. To let Leah come live with us.”

He chuckled as he pulled her into his lap and kissed her. “Rachel is the happiest I’ve seen her.”