“Everton became the duke and married. He has a daughter. She’s a little over a year old. Her mama died giving birth to her. So, I am to be both a new wife and mother.”

“You look so happy.”

“I am, Leah. Having Jeremy ask to marry me is what I always wanted.”

“Do you love him?”

“I think so.”

Leah’s eyes lit with mischief. “Have you kissed him?”

Catherine felt her face flame. “I have.”

Her sister hugged her again. “This is the best of news. You sacrificed so many years caring for Papa and me. It’s time you claim some happiness of your own.”

A footman knocked at the door. “I’m to bring the trunks down.” He stepped into the room and handed Catherine a letter. “This came for you, my lady.”

“Thank you. These two trunks go as well as the three in my room.”

“Very well.”

Catherine saw her name boldly scrawled on the front and knew it had to be Jeremy’s hand. She turned it over and studied the seal, which would soon be her family seal. A twinge of guilt ran through her. Deceiving Jeremy was the last thing she wanted to do. A part of her itched to reveal her past but seeing Leah’s happiness and feeling her own made her push it aside.

She read the note quickly and turned to her sister. “You and I, as well as Charlotte and Morefield, have been invited to tea at Everton’s this afternoon. He wants you and Rachel to become acquainted and for us to meet Cor, his grandmamma.”

“What an odd name.”

“I know. I’m sure there’s some significance behind it. I’m going to send a reply before we leave for Morefield’s.”

Catherine returned to her room and read the message once more. Her eyes lingered over the last line.

I’m counting the hours until I see you, my love.

Jeremy had called hermy love.