Or he could act.

He chose the latter and pushed into her. She squeaked, her nails digging into his shoulders a moment. He stilled.

“It hurt. I know it did. But it never does again. Of that, I promise you.” Win kissed her brow.

“Everything was lovely until then,” she said. “Are you certain...”

“More than certain. If you give me permission to move, I will show you.”

Sera smiled up at him, love shining in her eyes. “You have permission to do whatever. I am yours, Win. In every way possible. Make me yours and you will be mine.”

He moved and she said, “Oh! Do that again, please.”

He did and she grinned. “I believe this is going to prove most interesting. Even entertaining.”

Withdrawing, he plunged into her again and heard her sigh. They began a dance as old as time, yet one which seemed made just for them. By its end, Sera had picked up on the steps and moved as one with him, meeting each thrust, crying out in pleasure as they both reached their climax.

Win collapsed atop her a moment, driving her into the mattress, and then rolling to his side, bringing her along. He kissed her over and over, not ever thinking he could get enough of her.

“Do you think I was too loud?” she asked out of the blue. “I would hate if someone had overheard us.”

He chuckled and kissed her hard. “If they did, they would be happy for us. We have found each other, Sera, and love has found us. I think our friends and family are delighted for us.”

She snuggled close to him. “Will it always be this way? Will you want me as much as you did this night?”

He smoothed her hair and then lovingly stroked her back. “I will want you more each time we come together.”

“Am I really enough for you, Win?” she asked, a bit of doubt in her voice.

“You are more than enough for me, Sera. Tonight, I shared with the love of my life the most important thing that can occur between a man and a woman. Have I coupled with other women before? Yes. But have I ever made love before tonight? No.”

He framed her face with his hands. “You are the one who has made a difference in my life, Sera Nicholls. You are the woman I love. And I will love you more and more and more with the passing of each day.”

“Good. Because I love you, Win. With all my heart. And I will never let you go.”

He basked in the afterglow of their love and they talked of things to come. Their hopes and dreams. Where they would be in a year. Five years. Ten. A lifetime from now.

“Go to sleep,” he whispered.

Her fingers, which stroked his chest, finally stilled and she began breathing evenly. Win slipped from the bed and kissed her brow, covering her glorious, naked form with the bedclothes. He would leave her now—but it would be the last time he did so. Yes, she would have her own rooms and store her wardrobe and jewels within them. She would even dress each day in them. But her nights would always be spent with him. She would be the last thing he felt before he dropped into slumber and the first thing he would feel upon awakening.

He gazed down at her sleeping form, reluctant to leave her. He said a quick prayer, though he had never been much of a praying man, thanking God for Sera coming into his life and for bringing love into his heart.

Win now understood what the Second Sons had. A lasting love with a woman who was their entire life. He had been a fool to think so little of love. Now, he saw it was the most powerful thing in the world. He could conquer mountains for Sera, all because she loved him.

Bending, he pressed his lips against her cheek and she sighed.

“Goodnight, my love, my dearest, sweetest love.”

Win retreated to his own bedchamber. As he placed his head on his pillow, he caught the scent of jasmine—and smiled.

He dreamed of Sera.