Chapter Twenty-Six
Win dismissed hisvalet and shrugged into his banyan, anticipation filling him at what was to come. He had been with a good many women. At one point during their university days, Owen and he had tried to outdo one another in the number of women they could couple with during a month’s time. All these years later, he couldn’t remember a single one of them—or who had even won their silly contest.
Tonight would be different from all those other times. Because he would be with Sera.
He regretted not having her placed in the duchess’ quarters although events had moved swiftly. To think he would be a married man two nights from now simply astounded him.
Leaving his room, Win padded barefoot down the carpeted corridor, past the rooms of his friends and their wives. He thought of Minta and Adalyn, who both carried children, and longed for the day when Sera would bear him a child. Perhaps they might even make that child tonight.
He reached the blue room and tapped lightly on the door. It opened immediately and Sera admitted him, swiftly closing it.
“No one saw you?” she asked, looking a bit worried.
“No one,” he assured her, though if one of his friends had it wouldn’t have made a difference. In fact, they would have been pleased that Win had found what they had all discovered.
He stepped to Sera and wrapped his arms about her, drawing her close. Kissing the top of her head, breathing in the jasmine scent, he said, “I love you. I never thought I would say those words to anyone.”
She gazed up at him. “Least of all a shy wallflower?” Her smiled teased him.
“You have never been shy around me. I hope that will continue as we explore one another tonight.”
A hot blush immediately splashed across her cheeks. He saw tears form in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, gently cradling her cheek.
“I do love you, Win. So much that it hurts. But I still think I am wrong for you. You... have been with many women, I assume. You have done what we are about to do many times.” She swallowed. “I have no experience. I fear I will not be able to satisfy you.”
“My Sera,” he said, bending and kissing her lush mouth softly. “Don’t you understand? All those other times. All those other women. It meant nothing to me. But tonight, here with you, means the world to me. I want to love you, my darling. Please you. Satisfy you. Think back on how you felt when we kissed in the carriage most of the way home today. Do you believe I was not happy?”
“You seemed to enjoy it,” she said, biting her lip. “I didn’t know how to kiss and you’ve certainly taught me that.”
“Then trust me to teach you the rest. We will explore one another. Find what pleases the other. Every time we couple will be different. Sometimes our passion will blaze out of control. Other times, it will be gentle and loving. But what we do together is for us. The bonds will strengthen between us a thousandfold each time we come together.”
Win tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “I am selfish and actually happy I will be the first and only man you will make love with. Tonight starts our journey of a lifetime in love.”
She trembled slightly. “Well, you better get started. I suppose we kiss to begin?”
He chuckled. “We will most certainly kiss. I plan to kiss you in places you never dreamed of being kissed.”
Her puzzled look was priceless.
He dipped his head and took her mouth in a slow, tantalizing kiss. Inside him, something uncoiled. He couldn’t put a name to it but it made him relax.
Win knew he had come home. For Sera would always be his home.
Their kisses heated and his fingers found the knot on her dressing gown, slowly untying it. His hands ran up the length of her arms to her shoulders and then he tugged on the dressing gown, slipping it from her shoulders, removing it and tossing it aside.
She stood in her night rail now and he wanted that gone, as well. He wanted to see every bit of her beautiful flesh. Knowing she might be a little shy, though, he continued kissing her, deepening those kisses until she was as needy as he was. He bent and caught the hem of the gown and pulled it up, over her head, and letting it flutter to the ground.
Win studied her naked body a moment. “You are magnificent.”
“You don’t think I have... too many curves?” she asked, uncertainty in her voice.
His hands moved up and down the curve of her hips. “You are perfect in every way, Sera. Perfect for me.”
Sweeping her up, he carried her to the bed and placed her upon it. He threw off his banyan and saw her eyes widen. Win stood a moment, allowing her to take him in, including his cock, which now stood at attention. Seeking attention. From her.