Charlie came and took her hand as Freddie took Win’s and the four of them went upstairs to the drawing room. She was glad she was already acquainted with Tessa and Spencer or it truly would have been overwhelming.
Still, she had been eager to meet Minta’s other friends and their Second Sons’ husbands. Owen proved incredibly charming and Louisa a bit quiet but friendly. Everett was very reserved but had a sparkle in his eyes, while his wife, Adalyn, was quite large for a woman who still had several months to go before she gave birth. Still, she was a whirlwind, as Minta had described her, and she immediately took charge of the upcoming events.
“Have you decided where to hold the ceremony?” Adalyn asked.
When she learned it was to take place in the gardens, she breathed a sigh of relief. “Ah, that will keep decorating to a minimum since the lush beauty of the gardens speak for themselves.”
Soon, Adalyn had coaxed out of Sera things she would like to see incorporated into the ceremony and Adalyn promised her they all would happen. The women began talking about what gown Sera should wear and decided to split from the men, who had contributed nothing to the wedding talk.
Upstairs, they decided upon which gown she should wear after Sera told Aunt Phyllis that she would take her recommendation, noting her aunt’s keen sense of fashion. Sera also showed off the pearl ring Win had given her. The four women exclaimed over it and they returned to the drawing room, seating themselves away from the men and Freddie and Charlie, who seemed to continue to eat as if they had a bottomless pit in their bellies which would never be filled.
Win excused himself to go read to the boys, telling Sera to remain behind and get to know her new friends better. By the time he returned over an hour later, she was feeling quite relaxed in their company and glad that her aunt and uncle had made the trip from London so that they could see her wed.
Farmwell announced that dinner was served and Win claimed her, escorting her to what he said was the smaller of two dining rooms. He seated her on his right.
“I know the next time we have guests for dinner that you will take your place at the other end of the table. For now, though, I am being selfish and want you close by.”
Dinner was a lovely affair, with much laughter and witty conversation. They started to retire to the drawing room but Adalyn, cradling her swollen belly with both hands, said she was exhausted after such a full day. Others admitted the same and every couple headed off to their guest chambers, leaving Win alone with Sera.
“I will send a maid to you to help ready you for bed. I will come to you in an hour,” he promised.
As Sera waited during the final minutes of that hour, she eagerly anticipated what would soon occur between them.