“Tell me about them,” Miss Birmingham said.

He held back nothing, sharing they were his brother’s by-blows and that Terrance had abandoned all duty to them. He explained how he had recently found them and they had acted out because of their lives being in turmoil, not knowing their place in the world.

“I agree, Your Grace. They misbehaved for attention. Bad behavior was the only way they thought they could gain it.”

Sera then talked about the boys and the good she had seen in them, sharing what she had been doing with them in their studies.

“They also are very active little boys and need a good deal of time outdoors,” she concluded. “I think lessons in botany and geography should be woven into their more formal learning. They are also learning to ride and His Grace has purchased two ponies for them, which is the highlight of their day.”

The governess nodded, seeming to have come to a decision. “I very much would like to meet them and serve in your household, Your Grace. I suppose I would do so at least for two years. By then, they should be caught up enough to their peers so that they might go away to school.”

“Exactly what I had envisioned, Miss Birmingham,” Win replied. “What do you say?”

“I am committed to my current position until the end of August. I am close to my charges and will not shirk my duty to them.”

Win explained about their upcoming nuptials and how the boys would go on the honeymoon.

“So you see Miss Birmingham, we wouldn’t need you until the time when your current position concludes.” He looked to Sera and she nodded. “We would like to have you come to Woodbridge.”

“I look forward to meeting Freddie and Charlie. Yes, I will accept.”

Win quickly discussed salary with her and said he would contact her employment agency to let them know things were set.

“I can do so for you, Your Grace,” Miss Birmingham said. “It sounds as if you will be plenty busy in the near future.”

They thanked her and returned to the carriage, where Win told the driver to take them back to Woodbridge.

They hadn’t gotten out of the park when he pulled her into his lap and spent the next hour kissing her thoroughly. Sera held nothing back, trying to show Win through her kisses how much she truly loved him.

They reached Woodbridge and as they came up the drive, Sera felt she had come home.

“I’ve spotted the boys,” Win said and she saw them jumping up and down in excitement.

“I cannot wait to hug them,” she admitted. “I have missed them so much.”

He laughed. “It has only been a day since you last saw them.”

“Sometimes, a day can fly by, while other times it passes as slow as molasses,” she said.

Win kissed her. “Every day with you will be the perfect length,” he predicted.

Farmwell himself opened the carriage door and a footman placed the stairs in front of the open door. Win climbed from the vehicle first and reached out his hand to Sera, who took it and squeezed as she descended the stairs.

“Sera!” the boys cried, running to greet her and then Win.

She thought how she had almost given up on ever seeing them again and counted her blessings.

“Your guests have just finished having tea in the drawing room, Your Grace,” the butler informed them. “I gather there is to be a wedding.” He smiled broadly.

“Yes, I think the day after tomorrow. Miss Nicholls will need to meet with Cook to discuss the wedding breakfast. Who has already arrived?”

“Your cousin and his wife were the first here, followed shortly by Lord and Lady Middlefield. Then the Duke and Duchess of Camden arrived about two hours ago. Lord and Lady Danbury turned up just as tea began.”

“They are all here then,” Win said, smiling down at her. “Shall we go meet everyone, my love?”

Sera slipped her hand through the crook of his arm. “I am ready.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Come along, boys.”

Farmwell called out that he would have more tea sent up.