His tone let her understand how serious he was.

“Besides, we might even forgo the Season,” he shared. “After all, we have each other.”

She relaxed and then realized because she would be wed to Win, she had no reason to be nervous. It would afait accompliby the time thetongathered next spring.

“I think I might actually enjoy going. At least for a few weeks and to some events. Minta seemed to enjoy this past spring immensely.”

“If you wish to, we can. I know the Second Sons go for two months or so and then retire to the country when the heat of London becomes too much. They enjoy seeing each other.”

“I hope the others I have yet to meet will like me.”

“They will adore you,” Win assured her. “Because I chose you. They will trust my judgment.” He smiled. “Besides, they are all love matches. So are we. Who can argue with love?”

They went to the same employment agency he had used twice before in his search for a governess. This time, Sera had said she would do all the talking. Her assertiveness with the agency head surprised him until he realized she advocated for two small boys she loved very much. She looked over several files, studying various candidates’ qualifications and previous posts, and settled upon a Miss Birmingham.

“Can we meet with her?” Sera asked. “As soon as possible.”

“Miss Birmingham is completing an assignment at this time,” the agency’s owner revealed. “Her two charges are boys aged seven and eight and they will be going off to school in the autumn. She would not be free for another six weeks or more.”

“Please give me her address so that I may write to her regarding the position,” Sera said. “I will know from her response if she will do or not. We will be taking the boys with us on a trip to visit His Grace’s various estates and will not need a governess until after we return.”

“No governess on a lengthy trip?” the man asked, clearly shocked.

“The address?” Sera said, her brows arching slightly.

“Of course.” He scribbled it down and handed the page over to her.

“Thank you. I will be in touch if Miss Birmingham suits.”

As they left, Win said, “My, I knew you had a core of steel but it was entertaining seeing you assert yourself.”

“I know what Freddie and Charlie need. That’s all.”

The clerk who sat just outside the office rose.

“Your Grace? I couldn’t help but overhear you discussing Miss Birmingham. My family is friendly with the one who employs her. They are now in town because of the Season and I know Miss Birmingham enjoys taking her charges to Hyde Park around this time of day. The boys like to walk along the Serpentine and feed the ducks and sail their little boats.”

The clerk handed Win a folded note. “If you are able to actually find Miss Birmingham, you may give her this. It informs her that you are who you say you are and that I have sent you to her.”

“How might we recognize her?” Win asked.

“Well, she will have the two boys with her. She is of medium height with blond hair that is almost silver. Besides, there will be few others in the park at this time of day, I believe.”

“Thank you,” Win said to the clerk. “We will go now and see if we might happen upon her.”

They returned to the carriage and Win gave the coachman his instructions. Soon, they were in Hyde Park, both of them carefully peering out the window as they tried to spy Miss Birmingham.

“That could be her!” called Win and the coachman hollered back, “I agree, Your Grace.”

He drove the vehicle as close as he could and then Win and Sera disembarked. As they moved toward the woman, who looked to be in her mid-twenties and had the distinctive hair color, they could hear her calling out to the boys.

“She is the one,” Sera said. “I can feel it in my bones. Besides, she has worked with these two the last three years.”

They approached her and Win called out, “Miss Birmingham.”

She turned and Sera saw her countenance to be kind.

Win handed over the note and explained who he was and that they were in need of a governess for his nephews.