Sera looked at him mischievously. “You were that certain I would say yes to you?”
Win lifted their joined hands and kissed her fingers. “More than certain, my love. We were meant to be. I was up with the boys as they fed the chickens at the crack of dawn, telling them that you and I were heading into town to get our license and find them a governess since you would now fill the role of wife and duchess.”
“So, you didn’t tell them that I ran away?”
“No. I merely told them you had left earlier than I had to see about the governess. That means we really need to hire one today.”
She went and hugged her aunt and then her uncle, who said, “The marriage settlements just arrived before you came downstairs. His Grace said he stopped at his solicitor’s before he came here and asked that they be drawn up.”
“Win, you must have gotten the poor man out of bed!” she scolded.
“I did. He is paid well enough that he should be available at all hours to me. Look over the contracts, Lord Westlake, but I believe you will find them generous to Sera.”
“I will do so, Your Grace. And thank you,” Uncle West said.
Win looked puzzled. “For what?”
“For recognizing the worth of our niece. I think the two of you will have a wonderful life together.”
Win slipped an arm about her waist. “I think so, too.”