“Oh, how I have wanted to taste your breasts,” he murmured. “I have dreamed of them, so full and delicious.”

His lips traveled slowly down her throat until he reached one, his tongue tracing its curve and then flicking playfully across her nipple. She gasped at the sensation, feeling it swell. He took it into his mouth then, laving, sucking, nipping. Sensations shot through her like never before. Want. Need. Desire.

He feasted upon one and then the other, until her body felt it had been lit on fire. Her mouth sought his again and their tongues tangled with fierce need.

Finally, Win broke the kiss. “We should get you dressed.”

“Win!” she cried, pulling the sheet up. “You cannot do that.”

He shrugged. “I am already here, love. Though I hate to admit it, I do know a thing or two about women’s undergarments. I have been a man of voracious appetites where women were concerned.” He cradled her cheek. “Now, there is but one woman who satisfies my hunger.”

Taking her hand, he led her to the bed. “I will fight every instinct I possess not to take you here and now. I will save that for our wedding night. Which will be very soon. In fact, Percy is sending letters today to the Second Sons, asking them to move with haste to reach Woodbridge in time for our wedding. I also told your aunt and uncle to pack because they need to leave today to journey down to Woodbridge, too.

“I had decided today that you and I would come into town and collect our special license and hire a governess for the little monsters. I also have thought about our honeymoon. I want to take you on a tour of my other estates, bringing the boys with us, of course. I didn’t think you would mind.”

Sera smiled. “They would be heartbroken if we left them alone at home.”

Win beamed. “Did you hear yourself? You saidhome.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“I hope you always think of Woodbridge as home, my love. Do you agree to everything? A quick marriage and honeymoon to follow? It would mean we wouldn’t be able to attend the house party Owen and Louisa are holding.” He stroked her cheek. “Then again, we don’t need to go and find our spouse there when we’ve already found each other.”

She laughed. “You have everything planned out. I might as well go along with it. Oh!”

“What is it?”

“I won’t have to worry about making my come-out next Season. There will be no awkward moments as I meet strangers and assess them as future husband material.”

Win growled and kissed her hard. “No, you will step into Polite Society as my duchess. And you are all mine, Sera. All mine.” He kissed her again, making her knees go weak.

“Turn around,” she instructed. “At least let me slip into my chemise.”

Win sighed. “If I must.” Then he gave her a lascivious look. “But I will soon be taking it off you and loving every inch of your delectable body.”

He faced the opposite direction and Sera dropped the bath sheet, quickly slipping her chemise over her head. Win then laced her into her corset and placed her petticoat and gown over her head. He insisted she sit and he slid her feet into her stockings, carefully stretching them up her calves and thighs, the movement so sensual that her insides flipped over.

With great patience, he worked the tangles from her hair. It was still damp but Sera twisted it into her usual chignon as he watched, fascinated, and then kissed her nape now that it was uncovered.

“Oh, I am going to love introducing you into the ways of love, my sweet Sera,” he proclaimed.

Then he pulled something from his pocket and quickly took her hand, slipping on a ring that featured a large pearl, with a pair of diamonds on each side of it.

“This is a sign of our betrothal,” he explained. “You will have a different ring for when we wed.”

“But I love this one. It is from you.”

He kissed her brow. “There will be many more jewels to come—for my favorite jewel of all.”

They left her bedchamber, the one she had always stayed in when sleeping over, and went to the drawing room, fingers entwined. Aunt Phyllis and Uncle West waited for them. Her aunt rushed to her and embraced her.

“Oh, Sera, I hope it was all right to let His Grace come to you,” she whispered. “Actually, I don’t think anything would have stopped him. You do realize you are compromised and will have to wed him now?”

She beamed. “I do. And I will. With great happiness, I might add.”

“We are packed, Your Grace,” Uncle West said. “Just as you instructed.”

“Then you may leave for Woodbridge whenever you see fit,” Win declared. “My staff knows you are coming.”