“Why don’t we sit?” Win asked. “The teacart will arrive soon.”

They assembled in an area that had seating for about ten people. Charlie took Sera’s hand and had her sit on a settee, placing her in the middle while he and Freddie sat on both sides of her. Win couldn’t help but notice Minta’s odd expression and her effort to catch Sera’s eyes, which failed.

The door opened and two teacarts were rolled in, supervised by Farmwell. As the maids lined them up, Win rose and quietly said to the butler, “Please have the blue room made up for Miss Nicholls. She will be staying in it from now on. Have Mrs. Farmwell take Miss Nicholls’ things down to it.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

The butler motioned and the two maids followed him from the room.

The next hour was one of the most pleasant he had spent since returning to England. The boys pressed Percy for stories about Win as a boy. His cousin was all too willing to give details of some of their more embarrassing escapades, which had the boys hooting and squealing with laughter. Percy talked a bit about his estate in very simple terms, describing the upcoming harvest and the process. Freddie asked several questions and, once again, Win thought the boy might make for a good steward down the line.

Minta praised his nephews loud and long after she sampled the apple cake.

“I believe this is the best one Sera has ever made. I am certain it is because she had such good help.”

“Did she make a lot of cakes for you?” Charlie asked.

Minta smiled. “Sera is an excellent baker. Let me tell you about some of the sweets she has made for us.”

The entire tea, Sera had been extremely quiet. Normally, it wouldn’t concern Win, but she knew Minta and Percy well. She shouldn’t be so quiet. He wondered if she had become overtired with all she had done with the boys the past few days and determined they would go into town tomorrow and hire a new governess. While they were there, he could also purchase a special license in Doctors’ Commons. He saw no sense in waiting. He certainly wasn’t going to let her go to the house party without marrying him. A small part of him feared he wasn’t good enough for her and that she might find someone more to her liking there.

He wondered how soon she would wish to wed. Of course, all the Second Sons and their wives would need to be there. Sera would also want Lord and Lady Westlake present, as well. Since Minta had wed Percy while her parents remained in Canada, he hoped Sera would agree to do the same. Win was ready to slip a ring on her finger and have her in his bed.

“Are we going to read after tea is over?” Freddie asked. He looked at Percy and Minta. “Sera has been reading to us since we can’t do it ourselves yet. Uncle Win found a really good book.”

“Tales from Mother Goose,” Charlie piped up. “Maybe Sera wants to talk to her sister some more.” He looked to Win. “Would you read to us instead?”

“I can do that,” he assured Charlie.

Rising, he motioned for the boys to do the same and the others followed suit.

“It was nice to meet you, my lord and lady,” Charlie said, looking very serious.

“We like you,” Freddie added. “I guess we’ll see you lots since you live next to Uncle Win and we live with him now.”

“I hope we do,” Percy said, smiling. “It was also very nice to meet you two.”

“If you will excuse us,” Win said. “Blackbeardcalls. Or perhaps we’ll readLittle Red Riding Hood.”

“NotBlackbeard, Win,” Percy groaned.

Freddie looked at Charlie and both shouted, “Blackbeard!”

Win looked helplessly at Sera, who shook her head, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

“Come here,” she said, motioning for the boys, and hugging them tightly. “Be good for your uncle.”

“We’re always good now,” Charlie said good-naturedly. “Or we’re trying to be.”

“Stay as long as you wish,” he told his guests. “I will be an hour or so.”

“We need to get back to Kingwood,” Percy said. “I will talk with you soon.”

He led his nephews from the room as they chanted“Blackbeard!”over and over.


Sera waited forthe door to close and then looked to Minta. “I want to leave now.”