Sera made a quick decision and returned to her room, stuffing the little clothing she had brought, along with her boots, into the valise. She had decided she should leave after tea was over and took the packed valise down the stairs. The footman at the door frowned slightly but opened it for her.
Her timing could not have been more perfect because the Kingston carriage was rolling up the drive and soon came to a stop in front of her. Percy disembarked and helped Minta down. Her twin raced over and embraced Sera.
“Oh, I have missed you so.” Then Minta glanced and saw the valise sitting on the round beside Sera and her gaze met her sister’s. “Has it gone that poorly?”
“There is no need to unload my trunk. I am going to come home with you and Percy.” She decided further explanations could wait.
Minta merely nodded and signaled to the footman, who came and collected Sera’s valise, placing it inside the carriage.
Percy stepped forward and kissed her cheek. “We have missed you, Sera.”
“Come inside,” she said, slipping her arm through Minta’s.
Turning, Sera saw Farmwell had also joined them and he greeted Percy and Minta and asked them to accompany him to the drawing room. As they stepped into the foyer, Sera realized she was doing so for the last time.