They strolled to the paddock, where Freddie and Charlie sat atop the fence as Harrison was telling them about their ponies.
“Do you like your surprise?” Win asked.
“Yes!” they said with enthusiasm.
Sera gave them a pointed look and they immediately began thanking their uncle.
“You are most welcome. The first thing you need to do is name them, I suppose. Have you decided which one you will take?”
“Harrison said to wait for you and then we could go see them,” Charlie said. “He said we should pet them and talk to them and we’d just know.”
The groom grinned sheepishly. “Ponies are a bit like cats, you see. They take to someone and that’s their person.”
“Then let’s go meet them,” Win said.
The ponies were approximately the same size, though one was black and the other brown. They learned both were males. After much talking and petting, Charlie said the brown had picked him and Freddie sighed, relieved because he had taken to the black.
A debate ensued on what to name each of them, with Charlie finally settling on Brownie and Freddie choosing Blackie.
“Not terribly original, I’m afraid,” Win said quietly to her. “But it is what they want. Shall we watch their lesson again from the same place?”
Sera followed him to the fence and allowed him to place her on top of it. He climbed beside her and she inhaled the bergamot scent wafting from him. This might be the last time they sat so close. Tomorrow, she would stay inside during the riding lesson and decide what the boys should study for a week or so since she still planned to leave tomorrow after tea. She hoped Win would travel to London and find another governess so there wouldn’t be too much of a gap in the boys’ learning.
The summer sun warmed her as she watched Harrison lead both boys around the paddock on their very own ponies. Sera thought just how rapidly their lives had changed, coming from poverty to a great ducal estate and having their own horses.
“Look at me, Sera!” cried Charlie.
“I see!” she called back to him, smiling and waving.
She would miss these little boys.
And their uncle. Very much.