Chapter Three
Percy indicated forWin to climb inside the carriage and he did so, situating himself next to Sera Nicholls. The faint scent of jasmine tickled his nose and he realized it came from her.
His cousin joined them. “They are loading your trunks now, Sera. We should be off soon.”
Win didn’t mind any extra time spent in the carriage.
Because he was intrigued by his seatmate. More than he should have been.
He wouldn’t disguise the fact that a pretty girl could turn his head. His friends joked about it, in fact. But Miss Nicholls was more than a pretty face.
She was breathtaking.
He glanced across at Minta, whom he found rather attractive. She had sparkling blue eyes and hair which was the shade of copper. Her sister, on the other hand, had incredibly vivid green eyes. He’d had to look quickly to note their color because she gazed at her feet so much. He remembered something said about her being quite shy and decided that was why she had looked away so much as they were introduced. He liked her hair’s color better. It was auburn, more brown than red inside the coach, but on the London docks with the summer sun shining down on it, it had seemed to catch fire. Win longed to loosen her chignon and stream his fingers through it.
No, he told himself. Sera Nicholls was not some fancy piece he could play with for a bit and then discard. She was a lady, one who would join their circle of friends. He could already see the Three Cousins stepping in and sheltering Sera, drawing her to them as they offered their friendship to her. Minta would also be a fierce protector of her twin. Win would never wish to be an object of wrath of the wives of the Second Sons.
That meant Sera would be off-limits.
He must think of her as Miss Nicholls. While it was all well and good for Percy to ask his sister-in-law to address him informally, Win was a duke. Even a duke’s family members rarely called him by his given name. Instead, they would use his title, while others who fawned over him would always call him “Your Grace”. Other than the Second Sons and their wives, no one referred to him as Win. Even his own wife would most likely call him Woodmont.
The thought saddened him. Perhaps he would come to an understanding with the new duchess and at least in private have her call him Win. Then he thought better of it. He knew he wanted a truetonmarriage—and that meant keeping his distance from the woman who wed him. Yes, he would go to her bed and get children off her, but he did not wish to be particularly close to her.
He breathed in jasmine again and a yearning filled him.
He wanted to kiss Sera Nicholls.
Win swore under his breath.
“I beg your pardon, Your Grace?”
Turning, he saw Miss Nicholls look up at him before her eyes darted away nervously.
“Nothing,” he told her. “I just thought of something that I needed to do.”
“If you cannot take tea with us, I understand. After all, I am not your relative, am I?”
“Well, we are in a circular way,” he said, wishing she would look at him. He glanced and saw Percy and Minta in conversation and decided he needed to draw out this woman with the quiet beauty.
“How did you find Canada, Miss Nicholls?”
He glanced down and saw she twisted her hands in her lap. Then obviously aware she was doing so, she forced them to still.
“It had a rugged beauty,” she said softly. “I liked how it was untamed.”
“Your sister says you enjoy being out in nature.”
Her gaze flew to his and then lowered again. “You have discussed me?”
“Minta was very eager for you to arrive. She missed you tremendously. She spoke of how you prefer the country and nature and hopes you will go to Essex with her and Percy instead of stay in town with Lord and Lady Westlake.”
She sighed. “I cannot do that, much as I would like to.”
“Why not?” he asked, his curiosity about her growing.
“Minta and Percy are newlyweds. They should have time to be alone and not have me around.”
Win cleared his throat and she looked up, those emerald eyes piercing him. “They have been wed over two months now. Besides, Minta truly wants you at Kingwood. So does Percy. He told me so himself.”