Chapter Eighteen
Sera entered thestables with the others, her fingers still tingling from Win’s touch. She had realized that he was a rogue. A lover—and user—of women. Else he wouldn’t be toying with her feelings the way he was. He wouldn’t lay down in the grass next to her, staining his breeches and coat as his fingers brushed against hers. He wouldn’t take her hand out in the open where anyone could see him do so.
He was not for her. She repeated the thought several times, trying to convince herself.
She did think he was a good man. He was trying awfully hard with Charlie and Freddie. It had surprised her that he stopped by the schoolroom this morning and even more so when he agreed to race Freddie. She had been shocked when he plopped next to her and found images in the clouds and quite surprised when he allowed Freddie to win their footrace.
But for all the good in him, he had as much as told her he wasn’t going to like—or love—his wife. She figured that meant he would get his heirs off whomever became his duchess and he would have a string of mistresses for the rest of his natural days. Winston Cutler was an incredibly handsome man who loved all women. Made each of them feel special in his presence. He would seek pleasure wherever and whenever he could.
But she had to be like a careful, smaller army when confronted by a larger enemy force. Set a perimeter about herself and guard it well. He had already penetrated her defenses and stolen her heart. Sera could not allow him to steal her virginity, as well.
Though she would be willing to give it to him.
No, she couldn’t think such perilous thoughts. She was already in far too much trouble, over her head, with her emotions running wild within her simply from kissing this man. She couldn’t let down her defenses. Even if he charmed her or she watched him charm his nephews. She was here with a specific task, that of helping the boys adjust to life at Woodbridge. Seeing that they learned to obey the rules and got off to a good start in their academics. She would leave here in six weeks’ time and never return.
It made her determined to find a husband at the Danburys’ house party. She would direct all of her energies to that matter and hope she never had to see Win again. A Scottish laird from the Highlands would be a perfect mate. If she could find one. And then she would insist they never set foot in England again. Minta would simply have to come and visit her.
Harrison led them down the row of horses, stopping and telling the boys each horse’s name and a little about its temperament. He let them stroke the long noses, which delighted the boys to no end.
“Where are the ones we can ride?” Charlie asked.
“Let’s go this way,” Harrison suggested. “We’ve no ponies now, which would be ideal for you to learn on, but we do have a few old mares with tough mouths that will do.”
“What is a tough mouth?” Freddie paused. “And why do we have to have old horses? I want a new one.”
“Older ones are a bit more settled,” Harrison answered. “They won’t have the tendency to buck off a new rider such as you, Master Freddie.” He chuckled. “Let me tell you from experience. You don’t wish to be thrown by a horse.”
“I will see about purchasing ponies for the boys,” Win voiced. “For now, show us the older mares, Harrison.”
But his words did not go unnoticed. Charlie threw his arms about Win’s waist and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Your Grace.”
He ruffled Charlie’s hair. “We haven’t needed ponies at Woodbridge for some time. It will be a good investment for the future.”
Sera swallowed the bitterness that rose within her. Of course, Win referred to the children he and his duchess would have. They would need ponies to learn to ride. The thought of him placing his child on a horse and walking beside it made her heart twist. She rapidly blinked several times, trying to keep tears from spilling down her cheeks.
“That would be kind of you, Your Grace,” Freddie said. “But we know they would be your ponies and not ours.” He eyed his brother steadily.
“No, they would be yours,” Win said cheerfully. “Why, you could even name them if you choose to do so.”
He began talking with Harrison about those in the area who might have ponies for sale. The groom thought a Mr. Jefferson would have the best selection. Even Sera caught the boys’ excitement.
“Then we will go tomorrow morning to see some. I’ll send a note around to let Jefferson know we are coming,” Win announced.
They reached a stall and Harrison said, “This here’s Marigold. She has a sweet nature. I think she would be the best choice for you to have your first lesson. You will take turns. Watching the other will do you some good and help you to learn.”
“Saddle Marigold if you would, Harrison,” Win said. “We’ll return to the yard. I’ll show the boys the paddock.”
They left the dark stables and stopped at a large block, which Win explained to them was a mounting block.
“Either a groom can hand you up into the saddle or if you wish to do it on your own, you may use this.”
He led them around the stables to where a paddock stood, telling them it was fenced in to pasture or exercise animals.
“This is where I first learned to ride,” he shared, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Sera knew those must be fond memories for him. She hoped the memories the boys would create would also be happy ones.
Harrison brought Marigold to them and both she and Win told them about the various parts of the saddle, as well as the bit and bridle. He had each boy feel Marigold’s coat and told them when they came to the stables in the future, they would bring an apple.