Chapter Sixteen

Sera awoke beforethe maid brought the hot water, eager to start her day with the boys. She removed her night rail and relieved herself and then placed her chemise over her head. She laid out her corset, petticoat, and gown for the day and then decided she could slip into her stockings and boots on her own.

She made the bed and then brushed her hair, winding it into her usual chignon. Thank goodness, she did not go in for fussy styles and was able to do her own hair without help.

A light tap sounded at the door and she went to it, finding a young girl of perhaps thirteen or fourteen standing there with a jug of water and a basin.

“Here, let me take one of those from you,” she said, lifting the heavy jug and setting it on the floor as the servant brought in the empty basin.

“What is your name?” she asked.

“Sara,” the girl replied.

Smiling, she replied, “I am Seraphina—but I have always gone by Sera. S-E-R-A.”

The servant returned her smile and removed the basin from the table. Setting it aside, she placed the new one upon it and then poured the hot water from the jug into it.

“Would you mind terribly if you helped me lace my corset each morning when you bring the hot water? And if you come again at night, might you help remove it?”

Sera saw the reluctance on the servant’s part and added, “I know it is not a part of your duties but I could use the help. I’d be happy to pay you. A shilling a week?”

She knew the sum to be generous and would have to remember to borrow it from Minta when she and Percy came to visit since Sera had no coins of her own.

“I suppose I could,” Sara said. “But we must be quick about it. I have lots to do.”

“Thank you, Sara.”

She lifted the corset and placed it on her and turned her back to the girl, who began lacing it up. It wasn’t as tight as she preferred but she didn’t want to seem as if she judged Sara too much.

“How long you been a governess?”

Not wanting to lie, Sera told the truth. “This is my first time to have my own charges.”

Sara barked out a harsh laugh as she finished lacing the corset. “Then I’ll never see that shilling. You won’t last a week to pay it to me.”

The girl took last night’s basin and quickly left the room.

Sera sighed. The boys’ exploits must have spread throughout the entire household. She supposed the Birdwells had also shared their experiences with other farmers at Kingwood. She would need to show everyone that they were good children. The sooner, the better.

She scrambled into her petticoat and gown, wishing she had a mirror to check her appearance. Not that it mattered what she looked like. Freddie and Charlie wouldn’t care and she doubted she would see Win before dinner this evening.Ifshe ate with him. She still hadn’t decided whether that was something she was going to do or not.

Going to the connecting door, she entered the schoolroom and immediately went to the cupboards, pulling out various books in them so she could see what was available. She also found the slates Win had mentioned. She set out what she would use today and put the other things away.

Then she went to the boys’ doors and knocked. “Are you awake?” she called.

Charlie answered the door in his nightshirt, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Good morning, Sera.”

He stepped back so she could enter the room. Freddie was already dressed. She had noticed initials embroidered into the nightshirts the pair wore and thought they might be from when Win was a boy. She supposed the clothes they wore were also old ones of his or his brother’s.

“Have you washed up this morning?” she asked.

“Again?” Freddie complained. “They scrubbed us good when we first got here. Why do we have to be so clean all the time?”

“Because His Grace has a nice house with nice furniture and we don’t want to ruin anything. Besides, I am going to be around you for most of every day, and I am not overly fond of stinky boys,” she teased.

That got a smile from Freddie and a laugh from Charlie, who changed into his clothes.

Once he was ready, she had both boys wash their faces and hands and comb their hair before she led them into the schoolroom. Two maids arrived with large trays and set out breakfast for the three of them.