Both boys looked at her blankly.

She laughed, causing tingles to ripple through Win. He loved her laugh and vowed to make her laugh every day they were together.

“I see that geography will be a lesson that will need the highest priority. Geography is all about where places are and what they are like. But that is for tomorrow.”

“Tell us a story about you growing up,” Charlie suggested. “About you and your sister.”

“All right.”

Win stood and watched as Sera talked about her household and being a twin, telling them how Minta was born first and then she came along several minutes later.

“That’s like us,” Freddie said. “Mum had me first and then Charlie came out. We have the same birthday, just like you and Minta. That’s a funny name.”

“Her given name is Araminta but she has always been Minta to me. Just like my name is Seraphina and I go by a shorter version. Sera.”

“I like that name. Sera. It’s pretty like you are.” Charlie smiled up at her and Win thought the little boy had fallen under Sera’s spell as much as he had.

“Could we call you Sera?” Freddie asked, sounding vulnerable for the first time since Win had known him. “I know you’re supposed to be Miss Nicholls, but—”

“I think that is a lovely idea,” she said, smoothing his hair. “But only when it is just the three of us. We should be more formal around others.”

“What about the four of us?” Charlie asked, looking at Win.

He cleared his throat. “I think you could use Sera in that case. But around the servants or guests, she must be Miss Nicholls.”

“Are you going to call her Sera?” Freddie asked. “I think you should. Just when it’s us.”

Smiling at Freddie, Win said, “I believe I will.”