“Because you are going to be living in my house. I am interested in everyone who lives here.”
“What about Miss Nicholls?” piped up Charlie. “Are you interested in her?”
Sera felt her cheeks burn as Win looked at her. “Oh, yes, Charlie. I most certainly am interested in Miss Nicholls.”
She would save her protests for later. It wouldn’t do for the boys to see her argue with Win. And argue they would. She had no intention of eating dinner with him each night.
Because it would make her want things she simply couldn’t have.
Win didn’t knowhow he would convince Sera to marry him—but he knew he had always achieved whatever he set his mind to. He might be known as fun-loving but beneath his exterior lay strong powers of observation and a persistence which would not let up. He believed Sera was interested in him from her response to his kisses. He was a man who had been with many women. None had affected him the way she had.
He wondered if this is how it had happened for the other Second Sons. Owen, in particular, was the biggest womanizer of their circle and, from what Win gathered, his friend had been ready to work his way through the beauties of thetonbefore he met Louisa. She was beautiful but a bit reserved, which wasn’t the type of woman Owen had been drawn to in the past.
Sera was much the same, only she was even quieter than Louisa. The old Win—the dashing army officer and lover of women—would have appreciated her beauty but passed on taking her to his bed because of her reserved nature. He would have moved on, hopping from bed to bed in search of pleasure. Perhaps it had to do with his becoming an unlikely duke and being aware of his responsibilities, which included siring an heir and spare.
No, Win had already thought to make a traditionaltonmarriage and after getting children off his duchess do as he pleased. Suddenly, his entire world seemed to have shifted. He wasn’t as interested in his own hedonistic pursuits as he was bringing pleasure to a woman. One woman.
From kissing her in the carriage, he had learned that she had little experience. Yet a fire had seemed to awaken within her. He believed she had a sensual nature and had never had the opportunity to explore it. He wanted her to explore it. With him. Inside, he was a whirlwind of emotions. He liked Sera. He admitted to himself he even loved her. And he would be damned to see her wed anyone but him.
This fierce possessiveness that he hadn’t known could exist within him made him want to laugh aloud. His friends had been correct. Love had struck when he least suspected it—and with a woman he never would have predicted he would consider. Yet Sera was everything Win wanted. Physically, her lush curves and fair face appealed to him. It was much more than that, however. Where he had always looked at women and judged them on their beauty, he saw far more when he looked at Sera.
He saw her heart.
Though he hadn’t known her long, Win believed she was the most caring and kind person of his acquaintance. In her own way, she possessed a strength of character which would make her a perfect partner to him—and an outstanding duchess.
Now, he had to convince her.
Something told him she would not want to act upon the attraction between them. That because of her timidity around others she did not know, she would consider herself lacking, which was far from the truth. Win would have to woo her—subtly—and let her discover what she had to offer was exactly what he needed in a wife. He also wanted to tempt her so that she would be curious, even eager, to explore her passionate nature. He yearned to do so. It was funny how, in an instant, he had changed. He wanted to pledge himself to one woman.
For eternity.
Looking at her now, he saw fire in her eyes. Yes, the shy mouse was not happy about being told she would dine with him. Win suppressed a grin, which would infuriate her, even as he looked forward to verbally sparring with her.
Sera stood and his eyes were drawn to her ample bosom. Already, he was looking forward to touching her breasts again. And tasting them. Tasting her.
“If you will excuse us, Your Grace, I need to help ready the boys for bed.”
“You do?” he asked, not having considered this.
“They are but six. They need supervision.” She turned and eyed them with a grin. “Else they might skip washing behind their ears and using their tooth powder.”
Had he been supervised when he was that age? Win couldn’t recall.
“I will help you,” he said firmly, his tone not allowing refusal.
Obviously, Sera ignored it because she said, “That wouldn’t be appropriate, Your Grace. I am their governess. I will handle this nightly duty. Come along, boys,” she said, leaving with Freddie and Charlie even as she dismissed him.
“Wait, Miss Nicholls,” he commanded in his best ducal tone.
She stopped in her tracks. “Yes, Your Grace?”
“I told you I was interested in all facets of these boys’ lives. I should see where they are sleeping and what their nightly routine is.” He looked to Freddie and Charlie. “You don’t mind, do you?”
Freddie frowned but Charlie, who was the more open of the pair, nodded. “Come along, Your Grace. I’ll show you where we sleep.” His eyes lit up. “Weeachhave a bed. No sharing.”