So, it was a duke who was the other man beside Minta’s handsome new husband. Well, Sera wasn’t in any mood to meet new people. All she wanted was to be with her family. Besides, a duke would be intimidating. That was the last person Sera wished to be around. Of course, he was the marquess’ cousin and had been gracious enough to be a party to those greeting her. She would do her best to look him in the eyes and be polite. Then she hoped he would be gone.

Minta took her arm again and they started toward those who had come to meet her ship. When they reached her aunt and uncle, Sera broke away and fell into Aunt Phyllis’ arms.

“Oh, my dear,” her aunt cooed. “My wonderful Sera. How you have been missed.”

Tears sprang to her eyes as she hugged Aunt Phyllis. Her aunt and uncle were childless and had been like a second set of parents to Minta and her. In fact, it was Uncle West who had paid for Minta’s new wardrobe for this Season and he was to do the same next spring for Sera when she made her come-out into Polite Society.

“I love you,” she told her aunt.

“Come here,” Uncle West said gruffly, pulling her into a bear hug. “That’s my girl.”

She felt as if she had come home, being with her twin and these family members. Not that she wouldn’t miss her parents, but Sera knew they would be traveling back to England next spring. It had been several years since she had seen Aunt Phyllis and Uncle West. She supposed she would live with them since Minta was now a married woman.

Her sister pulled on her arm. “Let her go, Uncle West. I must introduce her to Percy.”

Her uncle relaxed his hold on her and kissed her cheek. “It is good to have you in our fold again, Sera.”

“I feel the same,” she said, misty-eyed.

Turning, she faced the two gentlemen and swallowed hard, trying not to be bashful. After all, one was her brother-in-law and she would be seeing him frequently in the decades to come. The other was his cousin and that gentleman might come to feel like family in the future.

Much to her surprise, Minta slipped her arm through the arm of the man Sera had assumed to be the cousin.

“Sera, this is Percy, the Marquess of Kingston,” her sister said, pride in her voice and her obvious love for the marquess evident on her face. “Percy, this is my better half.” She chuckled. “At least the better behaved half of the Nicholls’ girls.”

The marquess gave her a shy smile and they looked at one another for a moment. In that brief space of time, Sera believed she had found a kindred spirit.

She curtseyed. “It is lovely to meet you, Lord Kingston. Minta would not easily have been swayed into marriage so I know that you are someone who is very special.”

He grinned unabashedly. “The sun rises and sets on Minta as far as I am concerned. Fortunately, she took a liking to me.” He glanced down at his wife. “And I love her with all my heart.”

The marquess then lightly kissed Minta, shocking Sera. People simply didn’t go about kissing one another in public, especially members of theton.

Her twin laughed and, in that laughter, Sera saw how happy her sister was. To think a shy marquess had won Minta over spoke a great deal on Lord Kingston’s behalf.

“You must call me Percy,” he told her. “I insist. I wasn’t supposed to be a marquess. My brother, Rupert, held the title. Unfortunately, I lost him far too soon.” He looked wistful. “I will admit I am still getting used to being a peer of the realm. But I know how close you and Minta are and I refuse to stand upon any formality. You are my sister. I am your brother.”

Turning, the marquess indicated the duke. “And this is my dearest friend in the world and also my cousin, the Duke of Woodmont.”

Sera forced her eyes up in order to meet the duke’s. She swallowed hard. This man was like a god come to life, more handsome than any she had ever seen. His size dwarfed her and she thought he must be almost a foot taller than she was. His dark brown hair had highlights of gold in it and warm, brown eyes gazed at her intently.

Quickly dropping her gaze to her feet, she curtseyed again. “Your Grace,” she managed to squeak out.

Suddenly, he captured her hand in his and started away with it. She glanced up and saw he raised it to his sensual lips. Heat filled her cheeks as he kissed it.

And kept holding it.

Sera looked down. Then back up. Then down again, her heart racing violently.

“It is a great pleasure to meet you, Miss Nicholls,” he said, his voice as deep and smooth as velvet.

She forced herself to meet his gaze. And couldn’t think of a thing to say.

The duke released her hand. “Your sister will find complete happiness now that you have returned to England.”

She bit her lip, her throat constricted. She hated this about herself. Although this man was a stranger, he seemed kind. Why couldn’t she ever relax around others?

Minta, sensing Sera’s distress, came and slipped her arm through Sera’s. “We need to go home and have tea. Can a footman see to Sera’s luggage?”