“Do you play an instrument?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No. The subject never came up in our household. If it had, no one would have thought to include me in the lessons. Everything revolved around Terrance, the heir apparent. I was an afterthought. If that.”
Sera leaned over and placed her hand on his arm, causing a jolt. She must have felt it, too, because she quickly lifted it away.
“I am sorry you had the parents you did, Win. It was their loss that they didn’t bother to see what an amazing child they had.”
He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood since a sexual energy crackled the air. “I have never been amazing. Merely adequate. I was intelligent but did not apply myself to my studies, either at school or university. I was more interested in having fun. I did, I believe, live up to the high standards demanded of an officer of His Majesty’s army, however.”
Sighing, he added, “And now I am trying to do my best to address my ducal responsibilities.”
She smiled shyly at him, causing his heart to turn over. “I think you could do anything you made your mind up to do, Win.”
Before he could reply, Percy called out, “Bailey told us you were here. It is good to see you, Win.”
His cousin and Minta crossed to where Win and Sera sat.
“It is about time you visited us,” Minta scolded. “I sent you invitations twice to come to dinner while Tessa and Spencer were with us.”
Win shook his head. “I was—actually, am—dealing with an impossible situation. It is the reason why I could not take advantage of your hospitality, Minta.
“And it is the reason I have come to you today for advice.”