Sera felt herself blushing profusely. “I had not thought of trying to make a match at the house party. Minta told me this affair would merely be a way for me to meet others and grow more comfortable among members of Polite Society.”

“That is true,” Tessa mused, “but I have yet to attend a house party where some couple did not announce their engagement. House parties lend themselves to getting to know others rapidly. I think it is an ideal way to meet a future husband. I know Adalyn has mentioned that she will be trying to find Win his duchess.” She frowned. “He seems disinterested in doing so on his own and says he eschews love.”

Tessa brightened. “Perhaps you might find your match in Win, Sera.”

Her face now flamed with those words. “I do not think His Grace would be interested in a shy mouse such as me.”

“If he doesn’t recognize your worth, then it would be his loss,” Spencer stated. “I know Louisa will be inviting several eligible bachelors to the house party. Be open, Sera. Give every gentleman his chance.”

“I will,” she promised quietly, thinking that no one present would be interested in romancing her.

Especially not the Duke of Woodmont.

Minta and Percy rejoined them and Minta apologized for suddenly rushing out.

“Do not worry about that,” Tessa said. “You are among friends. Besides, you will spend the entire time until the baby’s birth at Kingwood. The only exception will be Louisa’s house party, which we were just discussing”

“I hope I am finished with all this annoying nausea by late August,” Minta said, wrinkling her nose.

A sudden panic filled Sera.

What if Minta grew so ill that she was not up to attending the house party?

“I know what you are thinking,” her twin said. “I will be going to Louisa’s party. You are not getting off that easy. Besides, you promised Win you would attend.” Minta turned to the others. “Win was adamant. If Sera skipped the party, so would he. He would only attend if she did, as well.”

“Win said that?” Tessa asked, sitting up, obviously interested. She gazed upon Sera, who felt herself growing warm. “Do you truly think you might suit with Win? I know you did not spend much time with him but, sometimes, an attraction is instant.”

Sera now blushed to her roots, uncomfortable by all the attention she was receiving.

“The duke is in no way interested in me as his wife,” she said flatly. “A duchess is a leader in society. I am not even a follower, Tessa. I am more someone who sits in the corner and observes all that happens around me.”

“Still, you were comfortable with Win,” Minta said. “I have never seen you warm up to a stranger as you did Win on the day you arrived. Why, the two of you kept up a constant conversation in the carriage and throughout teatime. Not even Captain Marsh had you jabbering so.”

“Captain Marsh?” Spencer asked.

Sera dug her nails into her palms. “He was an English officer I met while we were living in Ontario. We were... friendly.”

She dropped her gaze and felt all eyes in the room were upon her.

“I am sorry I brought up Captain Marsh,” Minta said gently.

Forcing her head up, she turned to her twin. “No, do not be sorry. He has been gone two years now. I am a bit wistful—even sad—but the melancholy has passed.” She looked at their guests. “Captain Marsh had asked if he might court me when he returned from war. Unfortunately, he was lost on the battlefield.”

“I am sorry for your loss, Sera,” Tessa said, tears welling in her eyes.

“Thank you. I lost a friend. We had yet to see if we might have a future together.” She swallowed. “But that is in the past. I am happy to be here in England now with my sister. And my new friends.”

Bailey announced that the Middlefield carriages were ready and waiting and that all the luggage had been stored and the children brought downstairs. They left the breakfast room and Sera found Analise rushing toward her. She lifted the girl in her arms.

“I’ll miss you, Aunt Sera.”

“I will miss you and Adam.”

“Will you come see us?”

Sera nodded. “I will do so.”

She returned Analise to her nanny and kissed a sleeping Adam on his brow. Then Spencer wrapped her in a bear hug.