They rode the rest of the way in silence, Win going through a list of tenants in his head, thinking whom he might place these two boys with. He would be willing to pay monthly for their care. There were a few tenants who were childless, not by choice from what he gathered. Perhaps they’d be willing to take on the two by-blows and raise them as their own. He would, naturally, provide for them behind the scenes. Anger simmered through him, knowing that Terrance had walked away from his responsibilities once Sandra Sawyer had been found with child. To then turn his attentions to her dresser must have been a slap in the face to the actress.
They arrived at the boardinghouse and once again, Blumer said, “Wait here, Your Grace. Let Dr. Cook and I go inside and smooth the way.”
Patience had never been one of Win’s virtues but he understood the situation was delicate and he nodded in agreement.
A quarter of an hour later, the runner returned to the coach.
“Miss Sawyer is ready to see you now, Your Grace. Dr. Cook has examined her and he agreed with my assessment. She won’t last long so you must see her now and learn what you can before she expires.”
Win accompanied the detective into the building, where a woman greeted them, anxiously wringing her hands together.
“This is Mrs. Bridges. She runs the boardinghouse.”
He took in the woman’s shabby gown and pinched features. “I understand that Miss Sawyer has been unable to pay her rent for a few months now.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” the woman replied. “I hadn’t the heart to turn her out. Miss Sawyer is so very kind.”
“Do not worry, Mrs. Bridges. I will speak to my solicitor and see that you receive the monies owed to you. In fact, for your generosity, I will make certain that you are paid triple what you are owed.”
“You mustn’t do that, Your Grace,” Mrs. Bridges protested.
He took her hands in his and found that she trembled. “You showed a great kindness to a stranger, Mrs. Bridges. I want to repay that same kindness to you.”
Tears ran down the woman’s cheeks as she thanked him. Win squeezed her hands and released them. “Show me to Miss Sawyer’s room.”