Chapter Sixteen

Minta stood inher bedchamber, ready for tonight’s ball. She had finished dressing early and dismissed Bertha, wanting time to collect her thoughts before tonight’s affair. The ball would kick off the beginning of the Season and she knew from what Aunt Phyllis had said that she would be swept away in a whirlwind of events. She wanted to reflect upon what was to come.

And what may occur by Season’s end.

At tea yesterday, Lord Kingston had surprised her. He had been the most talkative she had seen him ever since she had made his acquaintance. It hadn’t taken her long to understand she was seeing the true Lord Kingston. Comfortably ensconced among his friends, he relaxed completely and his demeanor changed. Teatime had been full of good conversation, interesting tidbits about Polite Society, and quite a bit of teasing between the Second Sons. Minta had enjoyed herself immensely, knowing she was among good friends. Hope filled her that she might continue to count this circle among her friends. The only question now was whether she would be a member of it as Lord Kingston’s marchioness or the wife of another peer.

She decided to make her way downstairs and found Uncle West waiting in the foyer at the bottom of the staircase.

He smiled in approval. “You are wearing your diamond earrings.”

“I told you I would wear them every night of the Season. You and Aunt Phyllis have made this possible for me. I won’t forget it, Uncle West.”

He cupped her cheek and smiled fondly at her. “I hope that this Season will be everything you wish for, Minta. Moreover, I hope you find a man who will be a good partner in marriage to you, just as your aunt has been to me.”

“Do you love Aunt Phyllis?” she asked.

“I didn’t when we first wed,” he admitted. “I still don’t in the way you mean. You have had the example of your parents, who were wildly in love from the moment they laid eyes upon one another. Throughout the years, your aunt and I have settled into an understanding. We are better with each other and quite fond of one another. Some might even say that is love.”

He paused and added, “I want more for you, however. I want you to experience that grand passion if at all possible, Minta. You are a woman full of life and I believe when you find the right man, you will love him fiercely.”

He dropped his hand and steadily gazed at her, saying, “Perhaps you have already discovered who this man is. If so, remember that I act in your father’s stead in these matters. Your young man will need to come to me to ask for your hand in marriage. I will be responsible for negotiating the marriage contracts on your behalf. I will make certain you are taken care of, Minta.”

“I know you will, Uncle.”

Her aunt came down the stairs and joined them. “Don’t you look lovely this evening, Araminta? I cannot wait to introduce you into Polite Society this evening. You already have an excellent start with the friends you have made. The Duchess of Camden has a powerful influence in thetonand her two cousins are well thought of, as are all three husbands. You are traveling in lofty circles, my dear, and that will attract the attention of others.”

The butler came toward them and informed them, “Lord Danbury’s carriage has arrived, my lord.”

Louisa had insisted that Minta and the Westlakes accompany them to the opening ball, which Aunt Phyllis had readily agreed to. They now joined the earl and countess in their carriage.

“I cannot thank you enough, Lady Danbury, for the kindness you have shown to our niece. She values your friendship and that of your cousins.”

Louisa smiled graciously. “We are the fortunate ones, Lady Westlake. Minta has been a delight and I know we shall remain friends for many years to come.”

They arrived at the Blakeneys’ townhouse and joined the throng of people entering it. Inside, she saw the receiving line that had formed and they joined it. She looked about, taking in all the beautiful gowns and jewels worn by the women of theton, glad her uncle had gifted her with the pair of diamond earrings. It made her feel as if she truly did belong to this society.

Minta did not see Lord Kingston anywhere and wondered if had already passed through the receiving line or if he had yet to arrive. She worried about how he would react being in a ballroom made up mostly of strangers to him. Sera would be quaking in her slippers at the thought of being around so many she did not know. A wave of sadness washed through her at the thought of her twin. She wished that Sera could have joined her this evening so that they might have taken these first steps into Polite Society together. At least with Minta making her come-out first, she would have a clear understanding of how the Season worked and be able to share that with her sister. She knew launching Sera into society would be a little more difficult because of her twin’s aversion to crowds. Once again, Minta wondered if by next Season she might have a husband as she introduced Sera to other members of Polite Society.

They reached their hosts, who greeted Lord and Lady Danbury first, and then turned to the Westlakes and her.

“My lord and lady, allow me to introduce our niece, Miss Araminta Nicholls,” Uncle West said. “She is making her come-out this Season.”

She made her curtsey and the couple nodded approvingly at her.

“I hope you enjoy dancing, Miss Nicholls,” Lady Blakeney said to her. “There will be plenty of that at the numerous balls you attend this Season.”

“I have always enjoyed dancing, my lady, and have recently learned how to waltz. I look forward to that dance most of all.”

Lord Blakeney chuckled. “The waltz is a favorite of my wife,” he revealed. “She asks that it be played twice tonight. Once as the supper dance and again as the final number of the evening.”

Minta tucked away that information, knowing she would share it with Lord Kingston when he asked her to dance. Aunt Phyllis had explained that a gentleman rarely asked a lady to partner with him more than once in an evening. If he requested a second dance, it signaled to thetonhis interest in the woman. She wondered if the marquess would claim one waltz—or both.

They left the receiving line and moved to the entrance of the ballroom, which sparkled with lights. Her eyes roamed the room, looking for Lord Kingston. She located him standing with Adalyn and the duke. She knew Adalyn had promised the marquess that she would help him find his marchioness this Season and tried to tamp down the jealousy she experienced at that thought.

Suddenly, his gaze met hers and a thrill of anticipation rippled through her.

Louisa steered them to the left, where they joined Tessa and her husband. Still looking at Lord Kingston, she started to pull away but her aunt gently clasped Minta’s elbow.