“Lady Westlake is kind but a bit of a featherbrain,” Louisa added.
“From what I gather, they only come to their country estate for a short time each year,” Percy said. “Bailey seemed to think they usually arrive for Christmas and return a good month or more before the Season begins.”
“Lady Westlake will most likely be acquiring a new wardrobe during those weeks,” Louisa said. “She has quite a regal bearing and is known for her keen sense of fashion.” She smiled at Percy. “I am glad you decided to accept their invitation. It will be good to meet your neighbors. And now that I hear that they and your cousin aren’t in the area all that often, it is vital for you to come to know not only your other neighbors but others in the village. As I mentioned, they will look to you for leadership.”
“It is a good thing Woodmont isn’t in the area often,” Owen said. “I have met him and the only thing he could lead anyone to is a gaming table or a phaeton. I had not remembered he was Win’s brother when we did meet. Poor Win.”
“Terrance is Win’s only sibling,” Percy said. “That is why we were always good friends. We were so close in age. We went away to school together. Rupert looked after the both of us.”
They arrived at Westfield and he took in the estate with new eyes, now owning one himself. Where in the past he might merely glance at the fields, he now studied everything, looking to see what others might do so that he could help his tenants be profitable and happy.
The carriage came to a halt and they descended, being admitted by the butler and led up to the drawing room.
When they entered, Lord and Lady Westfield came to their feet, along with a young woman of great beauty. His eyes were drawn to her rich, abundant hair, a blend of red and bronze which he had never seen before. He hadn’t known anyone else would be present tonight and suddenly found himself tongue-tied as he and his friends went to greet their hosts, the beauty watching him with animated blue eyes.
Adalyn had schooled him on manners of thetonand so Percy knew it was up to him to begin the introductions since he was the ranking peer. He swallowed hard, trying to find his voice, and finally forced himself to speak.
“Lord and Lady Westfield, how kind of you to invite us to dinner this evening.” He turned, indicting Owen and Louisa. “May I present to you Lord and Lady Danbury?”
Pleasantries were exchanged as he felt his heart pounding rapidly, causing his mouth to grow dry.
“Thank you for coming tonight, Lord Kingston,” Lady Westlake said. “And we would like to introduce you to our niece, Miss Araminta Nicholls, daughter of my sister, Lady Nicholls, and Sir Radford Nicholls.”
Miss Nicholls stepped forward, her skin glowing luminously. She was a few inches above five feet and possessed a curvy figure.
“I am most happy to meet you, Lord Kingston,” she said, her voice low and throaty, sending a chill along his spine as she offered him her hand.
Taking it, Percy brushed a kiss upon her gloveless fingers, warmth filling him. He released it and quickly turned to his companions.
But no words came out.
Smoothly, Owen stepped forward. “Ah, Miss Nicholls, what a pleasure.” Owen also kissed the woman’s hand and presented her to Louisa.
“I am sorry we have not met before, Miss Nicholls,” Louisa said.
“We would not have had that opportunity, Lady Danbury,” Miss Nicholls said. “I left England five years ago when my father was named as the assistant to the Administrator of Upper Canada. My twin sister and I were only going to stay a year and then return to make our come-outs together. Unfortunately, we were forced to stay in Canada when war broke out, as it was too dangerous to try crossing the Atlantic with so many sea battles occurring.”
Lady Westlake slipped an arm about her niece’s waist. “It was terrible for my sister. She had remained behind to nurse our father during his last illness, expecting she would join her family in Ontario after a few months. Instead, they were separated for years.”
“That is dreadful,” Louisa agreed. “When did your mother arrive in Canada?”
“She came last summer,” Miss Nicholls told them. “It was wonderful to see her again after so long a time. Papa was going to stay on in Canada for a bit. The post of administrator has turned over several times since it is held by a military man and the war was not kind. Still, Mama encouraged me to return to England and come and stay with my aunt and uncle so that I might finally make my come-out, albeit a bit late.”
“What of your twin?” Owen asked.
“Sera decided to stay in Ontario. She is extremely close to Mama and she also lost a sweetheart in the war. I am hoping she will join me in England by next Season.”
Percy finally found his voice and said, “It must be hard being separated from her.”
Miss Nicholls turned her full attention on him and his heart skipped several beats. “Oh, it is, my lord. Sera and I have shared our entire lives. We had never been separated for a single night. It made for a hard decision to leave her behind and move forward with my life.”
“Do you seek to wed, Miss Nicholls?” Louisa sagely asked.
The young woman nodded. “I would like that very much, my lady. I know because of my advanced age that I am already at a disadvantage, with so many young ladies set to make their come-outs. Still, I will hope for the best,” she said, positivity brimming from her. “I would also hope to help Sera find a husband once she returns to England, as well.”
“My cousins and I would be happy to help you in this endeavor,” Louisa said. “They are Lady Middlefield and Her Grace, the Duchess of Camden. Before her own marriage, the duchess was known for being a bit of a matchmaker.”
Miss Nicholls’ eyes lit up. “Oh, do you think she would be willing to help me?”