She smiled. “I like it when you kiss me.”
Grinning, he said, “Oh, I have only kissed you in a few places. I plan to kiss you everywhere, Minta. And I do mean everywhere.”
She frowned slightly and Percy knew she had no idea of where things would head. In a way, he felt proud to be the one to introduce her into the mysteries of love. The things they would do together would be only between them. She would not have shared them with anyone else.
“I plan to touch you everywhere, Wife. I want to find the places you enjoy being touched. I want to bring you exquisite pleasure. I want you to know you are cherished.”
And loved.
Even if he never used those words.
He cupped her nape and kissed her at length, feeling his body heat and knowing hers did the same. Their kisses became deeper, longer, more intense. His hands roamed up and down her back as hers slipped inside his banyan, stroking his bare chest.
She broke the kiss. “You have . . . hair. On your chest.”
Percy chuckled. “I do.”
She pushed the material back and stroked him. “It’s so soft. You are so warm. And hard.”
He was hard but she wasn’t talking about that. She meant the muscled wall of his chest.
“Yes, we are made differently from one another but we will fit together well,” he promised.
She continued searching with her fingertips, studying him, her look intense.
“Would you care to see more?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
He captured her hands in his and kissed them, placing them at her sides and rising, setting her on her feet before untying the sash. Then parting the banyan, he shrugged out of it, letting it fall to the floor.
Immediately, Minta’s blue eyes widened as they roamed up and down him. Then she smiled. “My gosh, Percy. You are . . . perfect.”
Her gaze met his. “Not half as much as you.”
She hesitated. “Would you like . . . to see me?” The last word came out as a squeak.
He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Very much so.”
“I will need a little help,” she confided.
He shrugged. “What are husbands for?”
He helped free her from the transparent night rail and could only stare for a moment.
“Minta, you are so lovely.”
She was blushing but said, “I am glad you think so.”
“I know so.”
He caught her up in his arms, his mouth coming down hard on hers, kissing her until they both were breathless. He broke the kiss and swept her off her feet, carrying her to bed and placing her upon it gently.
Hovering over her, he said, “I will now make good on my promise and kiss you everywhere.”
He began at her mouth again, kissing her tenderly, then moving to her brow. Her cheek. Her jaw. His lips slid to her ear as his fingers ran through her long locks. He softly bit into her lobe and she moaned, her hands moving on him restlessly. His tongue teased the shell of her ear and she sighed.
Then he began working his way down. Along her throat, where he nipped and licked, soothing the love bites with his tongue. He traced the curve of her breast with fingers and tongue as she wriggled. He played with her nipples, tweaking them playfully and grazing his thumbnail across them, seeing them pebble in need as she cried out.