Chapter Twenty-Three
Percy and Mintathanked Ev and Adalyn for hosting their wedding breakfast.
“It is expected that you will miss tonight’s musicale,” Adalyn said, “but I hope the two of you will come to the Soames’ ball tomorrow night. Thetonwill expect it since you are not taking a honeymoon at this point.”
He had talked it over with the Second Sons and they agreed with him that since this was Minta’s first Season, she should remain in London and enjoy the bulk of it. His friends usually left town after a couple of months, as the weather warmed up and the stench of the city grew more pronounced with the heat. He discussed with his fiancée if they should do the same or stay a bit longer and she had agreed to talk over things when the others left town to see what they might wish to do.
For his part, Percy didn’t mind remaining behind when the others left. He thought it would be easier to hide from Minta in town. He could go to White’s and wile away the day, keeping out of sight while she made calls on others and took care of household matters. He didn’t want to grow too close to her or have her come to expect too much of him and their relationship. The sooner she realized he planned to keep her at arm’s length, the better.
It would definitely be more convenient to wait and make a decision once Sera arrived in England. Minta might want to take her sister on the rounds about town, calling on others and seeing to dressmaker appointments and other womanly endeavors. He assumed the twins would want to spend as much time together as possible and would not be opposed to Sera returning to Kingwood with them instead of remaining with Lord and Lady Westlake.
They made the rounds, speaking to everyone who had attended the wedding. Win walked them outside to their carriage, getting their promise to come visit him at Woodbridge as soon as they returned to the country.
Win kissed Minta’s hand and said, “It is good to have you in the family. I cannot wait to meet your sister. Send word when she arrives and I will come to town for a day or two in order to do so.”
The new Marchioness of Kingston smiled at Win and Percy felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. She should have wed someone like his cousin, a charming, outgoing, carefree man.
Instead, she was stuck forever with him.
“Shall we?” he asked gruffly, helping her into the carriage and rapping on the ceiling, feeling the vehicle start up.
When they arrived at his London townhouse, Tate had the entire staffed lined up in the foyer so that Minta could meet everyone. Percy noted how kind she was to each servant, asking his or her name and what they did in the household or stables. She would repeat the name and he knew, in a matter of days, she would be familiar with everyone in the townhouse.
Once Tate dismissed the staff, he and Mrs. Tate remained behind.
The housekeeper said, “We can take a tour of the house tomorrow if you’d like, my lady. For now, I have a light repast for you in Lord Kingston’s sitting room upstairs.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Tate,” Minta said graciously. “I look forward to seeing the house with you tomorrow.”
Percy led her upstairs, pointed out her suite of rooms before they moved on to his. They entered the sitting room, which had a comfortable settee and several chairs, along with a small desk and bookshelf.
“My bedchamber is beyond that door,” he informed her, knowing he would never have her in his bed. He planned to visit her in hers and then leave her there to return to his own.
And the nightmares.
She nibbled at a few things and he could sense she was as nervous as he was.
“Would you like to call for a bath?” he asked. “It has been a long day and that might relax you.”
“Yes, that would be lovely,” she told him.
“I will escort you to your suite.”
Percy took her down the corridor and they entered a room similar to his.
“This is a parlor for your use alone. Your bedchamber is next to it. Our suites mirror one another, with each of us having a combination of dressing room and closet, followed by a bathing chamber. They are all connected for convenience.”
He saw Minta swallow and wondered exactly what she had been told about what would occur between them tonight.
Bertha appeared in the bedchamber door. “I heard your voices,” the maid said.
“Lady Kingston would like a bathe, Bertha,” he informed the servant. “Then you might want to help her get ready for the night.” To his new wife he said, “I will return in two hours’ time.”
Returning along the corridor, Percy rang for Huston and stripped off his wedding finery, donning his silk banyan before dismissing the valet. He sat in an oversized chair that overlooked the garden below. He let his thoughts drift, not wanting to place too much importance upon tonight.
Or his marriage.
Yet he wanted to please Minta. He would be the only husband she would have if his health remained good. He wanted to give her the world and every material item he could.