Lord Westlake guided his niece forward but Percy only had eyes for Minta. He held her gaze the entire way and as she reached him, she smiled, a sunny smile so radiant that warmth washed over him.
Percy leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek, whispering, “You look ravishing.”
She looked pleased at his compliment and he stood a bit taller, proud to be marrying her.
The entire ceremony passed in a blur. Percy managed to repeat his vows, his voice shaking slightly, but he noticed Minta’s voice did the same. When he slipped the ring on her finger, he looked not at her hand but into her eyes, seeing down into her soul.
He wanted their first kiss to be chaste since others were present but the moment their lips touched, fire leaped through him and he kissed her for longer than was considered appropriate. Aware of a few chuckles, he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. “For agreeing to marry me.”
Minta smiled. “Thank you for asking.”
With that, he slipped an arm about her waist and they turned to speak to their family and friends as the vicar announced, “The Marquess and Marchioness of Kingston!”