“Go,” Percy ordered quietly and the viscount scurried away.
He took a few steps to her and clasped both her elbows in his hands to steady her.
“Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”
Tears brimmed in her eyes as she shook her head. “No, he did not hurt me. He did scare me, though. If we had been seen by anyone of theton, then he would have had to offer for me.” She shuddered. “I cannot imagine what it would be like having to wed a man I have only spoken to twice. One so dishonorable and fiendish as to attack a guest invited to his home.”
He cupped her cheek with one hand, his thumb brushing away the tear that fell.
“He will not come near you again. I guarantee it.” He frowned. “I am sorry you had to witness such brutish behavior.”
Minta gazed up at Percy, seeing the hard look in his eyes, wondering if this was how he appeared when on the battlefield. “Thank you for saving me.”
“I am so sorry that I hurt you, Minta,” he said huskily. “What I said to you was inexcusable.”
But she did not want to hear apologies from his lips. What she wanted was his lips on hers. Somehow, her unspoken thought became clear to him and he lowered his mouth to hers.
The kiss was incredibly tender, soothing her, making her feel safe and protected. She clutched the lapels on his coat and pulled him closer to her.
That was all it took—and the kiss heated up considerably. She opened to him and his tongue swept inside, finding hers, gliding along it. They began a game as their tongues danced along each other’s. The spice of his cologne filled the air as he continued to kiss her.
She wished this kiss could go on forever.
As Percy kissed her, he cursed inwardly, feeling he was taking advantage of Minta. She had looked so sad and lost that he had only meant to take her into his arms and hold her close a moment, just to reassure her that everything would be fine.
The look in her eyes had changed, though. He knew she desired him as much as he desired her. She might regret this kiss.
But he never would.
He took and took from her and she gave to him readily. Their passion heated their skin and he broke the kiss, trailing his lips along the slender column of her throat. He longed to nip it but restrained himself from doing so, knowing the cut of her gown would not hide what they had been up to.
Moving his lips back up, he seized hers again, pouring everything he felt for this woman into the kiss. He would kiss her until she was breathless—and then he would beg for her forgiveness. He could only pray she might bestow it upon him.
Because he didn’t think he could live without Minta in his life.
A loud gasp sounded.
And it didn’t come from the woman he was kissing.
Percy broke the kiss and glanced up to see Lady Vickers standing only a few feet from them. This was the woman Adalyn had advised him to steer clear of, the woman she had called the biggest gossip in theton. He had taken Adalyn’s words to heart and had avoided being around Lady Eve, the daughter of Lady Vickers.
“Well, I am shocked to my core,” Lady Vickers said, her eyes roaming up and down both Minta and him. “You are quite disheveled, Miss Nicholls, and pink from all that kissing. Why, the gentlemanly thing to do, Lord Kingston, would be to offer for and wed this poor girl immediately.”
Then a sly look crossed the countess’ face and she smiled. “Or . . . perhaps you should wedmydaughter instead . . . and I will overlook this unfortunate incident I have witnessed.”
Minta sucked in a quick breath. “Why, that is blackmail!” she proclaimed.
Lady Vickers shrugged. “True,” she agreed, “but I find it effective in obtaining what I want.” She eyed Percy. “I believe I want a marquess as my son-in-law.”
He would not stand for this. Knowing it would be fruitless to try and deal with this appalling woman, Percy grabbed Minta’s hand and strode away.
Lady Vickers called after them. “I will ruin her, Kingston. You know I will do it.”
He continued, pulling Minta behind him, his mind racing as he tried to think of a way to quell the diabolical woman’s ugly whispers that would destroy Minta’s reputation.
They reached the edge of the gardens and he turned, his hands finding her waist, pulling her to him. His mouth descended upon hers, knowing there would be no turning back from what he now did. Percy kissed Minta with everything he had, a long, drugging kiss that sealed their fate.
All he had to do was keep kissing her until someone discovered them together.