Last night’s ball had been only slightly better. Though Minta looked her best and her dance card had filled quickly, she felt as though she were sleepwalking through the entire event. Fortunately, conversation was not required during most of the active dances. Lord Boxling had danced the supper dance with her and she had supped with him and three of his friends, getting to know a few other young women making their come-outs.
When she had arrived home, Minta cried herself to sleep, awaking with swollen eyes. Seeing her image in the mirror, she resolved to quit shedding tears over a man who cared nothing for her. Today would be the day she would make a new start and put forth her best effort in order to land a husband. It wasn’t only for her but for Sera. She wanted to be able to help in launching her twin into Polite Society. Sera had been so glum after receiving news of Captain Marsh’s death. She’d had enough time to grieve, however, and Minta knew her sister’s beauty and goodness would help her find a good man as her husband.
“Are you looking forward to the garden party?” Aunt Phyllis asked, concern in her eyes.
For the first time in days, Minta’s smile was genuine. “Yes, I am. I hope this occasion will give me a better chance to get to know some of the gentlemen I have met during these first few days of the Season.”
She saw the obvious relief sweep through her aunt and her uncle even winked at her, saying, “Good for you, Minta. I have always enjoyed the conversation at a garden party. I heard our hosts’ gardens are the envy of everyone in thetonand look forward to seeing them.”
Their carriage arrived and they entered the townhouse, passing through to a receiving room, where they were greeted by an older couple she had not met before. Minta followed her aunt and uncle out the doors to where others gathered on the lawn. She spied Tessa and Adalyn.
“May I go visit with my friends?” she asked.
“Of course, my dear,” Aunt Phyllis said.
Making her way toward them, she accepted a glass of champagne from a passing footman.
“Don’t you look wonderful?” Tessa said.
“The peach silk suits you well, Minta,” Adalyn agreed. “How have you been?”
“I am looking forward to this garden party and tonight’s outing to the theatre,” she told her friends.
“Oh, who is going to the theatre with you?”
“Viscount Boxling invited me. We will go with him and two of his friends. Uncle West and Aunt Phyllis are accompanying us as chaperones.”
“Do you know what play you will see?” Tessa asked.
Minta giggled, not recalling the last time she had done so. “No, I haven’t a clue. I am still looking forward to the outing and a light supper afterward, all the same.”
She realized it felt good to feel lighthearted and knew she had much to be grateful for. Her parents, who had allowed her to come to England for this Season. Her aunt and uncle, for taking her in and treating her as their own. Her new friends she had made. And this Season, in which she had the opportunity to find a man to share her life with and build a family together.
Yes, her world had been turned upside down by the rejection she had experienced at Percy’s hands. No, Lord Kingston. She must never think of him as Percy again.
Minta took another sip of her champagne and glanced across the scene, seeing all the beautiful, light-colored gowns and tables filled with sandwiches and petit fours. The sun was shining and the day was cool, with a slight breeze in the air. A perfect English day.
Until she sensed someone’s gaze upon her and turned.
Lord Kingston had arrived—and was headed in her direction.
A huge lump formed in her throat. She reached out blindly, finding Tessa’s hand and clutching it tightly.
Then he was in front of her.
He looked ashen, as if he had been ill. He appeared unsure of himself. He started to speak and hesitated, staring at her.
“May we speak, Miss Nicholls?” he finally got out, sounding as if someone were strangling him.
Minta surprised herself when she said, “No, we may not.”
The marquess winced, looking like a kicked puppy. She held fast, though.
“You shredded my heart, my lord,” she said frankly. “I am done with you.”
With that, Minta walked away.