His hand took hers and he said, “Not at all, Miss Nicholls. If anything, I hold you in an even higher regard.” He paused and added, “Shall we?”

She nodded and he lowered his lips to hers again, kissing her briefly before urging her to open to him. The viscount kissed her for a good full minute. That told Minta right away he was not the one for her if she was aware of the time involved in the kiss.

He broke the kiss and smiled sadly. “You didn’t feel much of anything, did you?”

“No. Did you?”

“No, not a bit,” he declared, laughing merrily. He sobered and then said, “But I do like you quite a bit, Miss Nicholls. I have two younger half-sisters, as well as an older, married one. I almost feel as if you are a sister to me. If you want my help with Lord Kingston, I will do whatever I can to help bring the two of you together. And if that proves to be unsuccessful, I have a few other friends I am happy to introduce you to.”

She placed her hand on his forearm and squeezed it. “You, my lord, are a wonderful man. I don’t know of any gentleman who would be so understanding with my predicament. I will take any help you are able to give me, however. I did not think I wanted or needed love as I looked for a husband but perhaps I have been wrong. My feelings for Lord Kingston are strong. I hope, however, they will not be unrequited as you found with Lady Danbury.”

He gave her a winning smile. “Well, you see I survived that. It took a while to get over my bruised feelings but I am ever the optimist. I know love is out there, waiting for me and that I will find it one day. I hope the same for you, Miss Nicholls.”

Minta squeezed his arm again and the viscount took up the reins. They finished their drive through the park, as he described to her different events of the Season and even some of his friends he would introduce her to once it began.

The curricle pulled up in front of her uncle’s townhouse and Lord Boxling helped her from it, escorting her to the front door.

Taking her hand, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it, a twinkle in his eyes. “Thank you for accompanying me on my drive today, Miss Nicholls. If I do not see you before the Season begins, then we will dance together at the Blakeney ball.” He grinned. “Perhaps a little rivalry between Lord Kingston and me would benefit you.”

“Thank you again, my lord. It is nice to have you in my corner.”