“One time isn’t enough. A woman needs to know of your interest in order to encourage your further interest in her. Remember, Miss Nicholls may be older than those making their come-outs this year but she has never been in Polite Society before. She might be feeling as lost as you are right now.”
As they entered the drawing room, he heard Miss Nicholls’ laugh.
Giving Louisa an eye roll, he said, “I don’t think she’s a bit lost. Why did you invite the fellow?”
“Because he is charming company. And if you aren’t going to fight for Miss Nicholls, I think Lord Boxling would make for an excellent husband for her.”
Her words angered him. “You want me mad, don’t you?” he realized.
Louisa smiled. “All is fair in love and war.” She lifted her hand from his arm and crossed the room.
This wasn’t war. It certainly wasn’t love. Yet Percy disliked the fact that Boxling was entertaining Miss Nicholls.
He watched as the viscount escorted her to the pianoforte before taking a seat directly in her line of view.
Suddenly, he had an idea and made his way toward her.
“Will you be using music, Miss Nicholls?” he asked. “If so, I would be happy to turn the pages for you.”
Not that he read music. But he didn’t want Boxling to be the one close to her.
Louisa said, “I have sheet music here for you to choose from, Miss Nicholls.” She glanced questioningly at Percy.
“I have volunteered to turn the pages for Miss Nicholls,” he informed her.
“Have you?” Louisa asked. “Why, that is certainly thoughtful.” Turning to Miss Nicholls, she placed the stack on the nearby table. “Glance through this and see if there is anything here you wish to play for us.”
“Thank you, my lady,” Miss Nicholls said as she began perusing the pile. She pulled out two different pieces and returned to the pianoforte.
“Where would you like me to stand?” he asked.
“You may sit next to me, Lord Kingston. It will be easier, I believe. I will softly say ‘now’ when it is time for you to turn the page.”
She took a seat and he sat beside her, inhaling the wonderful scent of vanilla. Percy glanced out and saw Lord Boxling frowning slightly.
Let him frown the rest of the night.
Percy was exactly where he wanted to be.