Minta turned away, feeling as if she intruded upon an intimate moment between the couple but saw Lord and Lady Middlefield also coming together, a tender smile on his face as he gazed down at his wife.

She whirled and saw Lady Danbury moving to the pianoforte.

“It gets a bit uncomfortable,” Lord Kingston said softly. He glanced at the two couples and back at her. “Seeing them behave so affectionately toward one another. I don’t know if they do so when in Polite Society but they are forever making me blush at their antics.”

He chuckled and she bit her lip. “It is quite different from how others seem to behave.”

The marquess offered her his hand. “Shall we, Miss Nicholls?”

He was back to addressing her formally and she realized he had not picked up on his earlier slip of the tongue.

“Yes, my lord,” Minta said demurely.

He clasped her hand and his other hand settled upon her back. Heat shot through her.

Lady Danbury began to play and he said, “No counting aloud. Simply feel the music.”

Then he swept her away.

Minta didn’t know how long the waltz went on, only that by its end, her entire body tingled with the excitement of being held close by this handsome man as he guided her about the ballroom floor, twirling her with ease.

The music came to a halt and he held her a moment longer, their gazes connected. She licked her lips and saw his eyes drop to them. Oh, how she wished they were alone so that he might kiss her again.

Lord Kingston released her and bowed. “You are the best pupil I have had the pleasure of tutoring, Miss Nicholls.”

She dropped him a curtsey. “And I have never enjoyed learning anything more than the waltz, my lord. Thank you.”

He escorted her back to the others, where Lady Danbury praised how the two of them had moved as one.

“You looked as if you were meant to dance the waltz together,” she declared. “Others will think so, as well. I think you should commit to dancing the waltz at the first ball of the Season. It will be hosted by Lord and Lady Blakeney.”

“I concur,” His Grace said. “You dance the waltz as it was meant to be danced. And just think—this was your first time.”

“Perhaps the two of you should practice again before the Season begins,” suggested Her Grace.

“That isn’t necessary,” Lord Kingston said quickly. “Miss Nicholls knows exactly what she is doing.”

Disappointment filled her and she wondered why he would not want to dance with her again.

“But I would be happy to claim a waltz with you at the Blakeney ball,” he added, the tips of his ears going red.

“Then the dance will be yours, my lord,” Minta promised.