“Say it aloud with me as we move,” he suggested.

She did so, moving with him as they spoke together. He urged her to continue and they repeated the action multiple times, moving across the ballroom.

“That’s excellent, Minta,” he praised.

He had called her Minta . . .

She held her breath, afraid he would realize he had done so and find the moment ruined. He didn’t, however, and turned to face her.

“I think we are ready to try together,” he told her. “Place your left hand on my shoulder.”

Moving closer, she lifted her hand and rested it on his coat. He slipped his right hand to her back, and she realized just how close they stood. Her heart hammered wildly as he clasped her right hand in his left. They stood motionless, their gazes fixed, no words between them. She inhaled the spice of his cologne. Felt the warmth of his body, so close that it almost touched hers.

The marquess blinked, breaking the spell, and said, “I will begin counting now. Count along with me if you choose to do so. I will count to three and then we shall begin. One, two, three.”

Then they began moving as one as he guided her through the steps, slowly at first. She made a few mistakes, colliding with him, but they both laughed and shrugged it off, taking their places again and starting from the beginning. Her pulse raced as she looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, which gazed upon her in approval.

He stopped counting but still held her. “I think you are ready to try a turn.”

“There are turns?” she squeaked.

He chuckled. “Yes. You have mastered the steps. We’ll merely turn a quarter and rotate the box we form. Are you game to try so?”

Wanting to please him, she told him, “Yes.”

“This time, I alone will count,” he informed her.

He began the count and they took off. Before she realized it, he eased her into a turn. Then another and another. A thrill shot through her.

“This is marvelous,” she proclaimed.

He grinned boyishly. “Wait until we are dancing to music.”

Minta didn’t think any dance in a ballroom full of others would ever be as good as the one right now. Lord Kingston continued to count but his voice grew softer and softer until he wasn’t counting at all and they simply moved to an unheard beat they both sensed.

“That is marvelous,” a voice called out and she heard applause.

Looking across the ballroom, she saw that the others had returned. Lord Kingston brought them to a halt and released her. Immediately, she felt bereft and clasped her hands in front of her, gripping them tightly.

The duchess glided toward them gracefully, almost as if she danced across the ballroom floor to them.

“You moved together as one,” she said, her tone awed. “I can’t remember anyone I know picking up the steps of the waltz so flawlessly in such a short amount of time.”

Her cheeks heated as she said, “Lord Kingston is an excellent teacher. Methodical and easy to understand. His instructions were very clear and he is quite light on his feet. I merely followed his lead.”

Lady Middlefield smiled. “There is much more to a waltz than merely following your partner, Miss Nicholls. I do agree it helps if you have a partner who is skilled, however.” She smiled at the marquess.

“It will be even better when I play for you,” Lady Danbury told her. “You play yourself so you understand how you can feel music in your soul.”

“You play?” Lord Kingston asked.

“And she sings,” Lady Danbury said with a smile. “I have already asked Miss Nicholls if she would entertain us after dinner tomorrow night and she has agreed.”

“It sounds as if dinner tomorrow evening will be quite enjoyable,” His Grace said. “In the meantime, I am ready to waltz with my wife.”

The duke slipped a possessive arm about his wife’s waist and took her hand in his, smiling at her with great affection.

“You always have loved to dance,” the duchess purred, cradling his cheek.