He had to stop thinking of her that way. Merely because they had kissed, it did not mean they should be on a first-name basis.Miss Nicholls, he told himself.Think of her as Miss Nicholls.
“I think Boxling would be a good addition,” Spence said. “That is, if you are comfortable inviting him, Louisa.”
Louisa looked confused. “Why would I not want to invite Lord Boxling to dinner? He is most charming and affable.”
“Well, he did pursue you,” Spence said. “I don’t know how Owen would feel having the viscount under his roof.”
“First of all, Owen is not here. Second, Viscount Boxling is a friend of ours. He and I came to an understanding regarding my feelings for Owen. In fact, he is so kind, perhaps Adalyn would consider taking Lord Boxling under her wing this year and helping him find that bride he is looking for.”
As long as Boxling did not want Miss Nicholls as his bride, Percy would be fine with the viscount coming to dinner.
“Then it is settled,” Louisa declared. “I will write to him after tea and invite him.”
“What of Percy’s dance lesson?” asked Tessa. She looked to Miss Nicholls and said, “The three of us have been teaching Lord Kingston to dance since he did not already possess that skill and it is necessary for anyone attending the Season.”
“We can do so after tea,” Adalyn said. Looking at Miss Nicholls, she added, “Would you mind staying on and helping out? We have practiced with a few couples recently and I think it would be good to continue to do so. And you must dance the waltz, Miss Nicholls. Percy is getting tired of the Three Cousins as one of his partners. It would do him good having someone new to partner with.”
Percy cursed inwardly. Adalyn had just sent him into one of Dante’s circles of Hell.