“Yes, I have already made a commitment to a few events.”

“I am certain your two friends here will take excellent care of you, along with Lord Danbury. Their wives, also, will make sure you have an enjoyable time,” Boxling said.

Lord Markham gazed intently at Percy and asked, “Are you considering perusing the Marriage Mart, my lord?”

Taken aback by the frank question, Percy merely nodded.

Lord Markham nodded. “Both Boxling and I will be doing the same.”

Talk shifted away from the Season to politics and Percy retreated within himself, listening but adding nothing to the conversation. When Ev announced they needed to depart, both noblemen shook Percy’s hand again and told him they looked forward to spending more time with him.

In the carriage, Ev said, “Both of them attended our house party two summers ago. Boxling was very interested in Louisa and almost wrested her away from Owen.”

“Truly?” Percy asked. “I cannot see Louisa choosing anyone else but Owen. They are so perfect together.”

Spence chuckled. “Oh, Owen was hellbent on not wedding for a good five years or more,” he revealed. “He said that he had spent so much time away from England and civilized company that he was going to enjoy working his way through all the pretty women in Polite Society before he ever bothered choosing a wife and settling down. It almost cost him Louisa, however.”

“We all knew they were meant for each other,” Ev said. “But Owen was his usual hardheaded self. Thank goodness he came to his senses and offered for Louisa. I have never seen him happier and I have known him practically from the cradle.”

Percy had not known of Owen’s reluctance to wed and yet he was glad his friend had chosen Louisa for his countess. Once again, he wondered if he would find a woman willing to put up with his many shortcomings.

The carriage slowed and Ev said, “Come in with us, Percy, and see the Three Cousins. Adalyn and Tessa took my carriage here and the four of us can ride back in it together.”

He protested. “No, go in without me.”

Ev’s brows shot up. “And tell my duchess that you refused to come in and say hello? I know what battles to pick—and none of them are with my wife. You are coming in to say hello and since it’s teatime, you can drink a cup of tea and be on your way.”

“All right,” he agreed reluctantly.

As they exited the carriage, Spence said, “You usually have a dance lesson in the afternoons. Perhaps after tea, you can work in a short one.”

The idea of practicing his dancing appealed to Percy and he entered the Danbury townhouse with a lighter step. Following his friends up the staircase, they moved down the hallway and entered the drawing room.

As they crossed the room, Percy’s heart hammered wildly in his chest.

Minta was here . . .

His gaze met hers and her jaw dropped slightly, letting him know that she had not been aware of the subterfuge organized by his friends. Both Spence and Ev strode quickly to their wives, kissing their cheeks, and Ev asked for Louisa to ring for three more teacups.

As she did so, Percy joined the group, quietly greeting everyone.

“I hope we are not inconveniencing you, Louisa,” he said, feeling the flush fill his face.

“Not at all, Percy. I had invited Miss Nicholls to join us for tea today in order for her to meet my cousins.”

He glanced quickly at Minta and saw her cheeks burned bright red, as well.

“We were discussing just a moment ago about how I wished to repay the kindness Lord and Lady Westlake showed Owen and me when we were visiting you at Kingwood. I have decided to invite them for dinner tomorrow evening, along with Miss Nicholls, of course. I hope that is acceptable to the three of you.”

Ev and Spence nodded, with Spence saying, “Tessa is in charge of our social calendar. If it agrees with her, we are happy to come to dinner.”

Louisa said, “With Owen in the country helping Win, our numbers will be uneven. I would like to ask another gentleman to join us. Do you have any suggestions? Did you see anyone at White’s?”

Ev spoke up. “As a matter of fact, we saw Lord Boxling and Lord Markham and even talked about the house party we had all attended together.”

Adalyn smiled. “That was a good time, bringing Louisa and Owen together. Do you think either of them might like to attend the dinner?”

Percy bit back his response, which would have been to invite neither man. Lord Markham had proved quite friendly and jovial, while Lord Boxling was far too good-looking. Percy didn’t want either man around Minta.